🍒 Cherry-Picked Nx v18.1 Updates

jogelin - Mar 21 '24 - - Dev Community

[Core] Activate/Deactivate Project Crystal

Until now you could use the environment variable NX_ADD_PLUGINS to activate or deactivate the inferred targets. A new property useInferencePlugins: false was added to the nx.json to do the same:

NxJsonConfiguration | Nx

Nx is a build system with built-in tooling and advanced CI capabilities. It helps you maintain and scale monorepos, both locally and on CI.

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[Angular] Support Angular 17.2

Angular v17.2 is now available. We rarely write blog posts about minor… | by Minko Gechev | Feb, 2024 | Angular Blog

We rarely write blog posts about minor releases, but today we have a few surprises for you — experimental support for Material 3, signal…

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[Angular] New “extract-i18n” Executor

Image description

@nx/angular:extract-i18n | Nx

Extracts i18n messages from source code.

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[Remix] Add Remix Presets in “create-nx-workspace"

[Remix] Plugin Remix uses CLI directly

Image description

create-nx-workspace - CLI command | Nx

Create a new Nx workspace

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[Gradle] New Gradle Plugin

It is not documented yet but there is a new plugin for supporting Gradle:

feat(core): add gradle plugin #21055

Current Behavior

Expected Behavior

Related Issue(s)

Fixes #

[Rollup] Crystalize Rollup

It will look for look for rollup.config.{js,mjs,cjs} files and add a build target automatically:

feat(bundling): crystalize rollup #22045

Current Behavior

Rollup does not have a Crystal Plugin

Expected Behavior

Rollup has a Crystal Plugin:

  • It will look for rollup.config.{js,mjs,cjs} files.
  • It will add a build target
  • It will use `rollup -c {rollupConfigFileName}
  • It will read the config file using rollup's loadConfigFile util
  • It will parse the output of the config to determine the outputs that will be created and use them for Nx caching

Tested on: https://github.com/freeCodeCamp/freeCodeCamp/tree/main/tools/ui-components

Related Issue(s)

Fixes #

[Release] Use Nx release instead of custom publish script

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Versioning and Releasing Packages in a Monorepo | by Juri Strumpflohner | Feb, 2024 | Nx Devtools

When it comes to publishing NPM packages, there are a bunch of libraries and utilities out there that help with the process. Many of them…

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Environment Variables | Nx

Nx is a build system with built-in tooling and advanced CI capabilities. It helps you maintain and scale monorepos, both locally and on CI.

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