🍒 Cherry-Picked Nx v19.1 Updates

jogelin - May 27 '24 - - Dev Community

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[🌊 Nx Core]

Typescript declarations support for esbuild libraries

You can see two new properties in the @nx/esbuild:esbuild executor:

    "build": {
      "executor": "@nx/esbuild:esbuild",
      "options": {
        "declaration": true,
        "declarationRootDir": "libs/my-lib/src", // root by default
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Generate declaration (*.d.ts) files for every TypeScript or JavaScript file inside your project. Should be used for libraries that are published to an npm repository.

New separator option for the result of the nx show command


nx show projects --affected --type=app --sep ","
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Target another executor in schema definitions

Angular 18 introduced a way to map one builder to another one. It is also now possible to use that approach with Nx in the executors.json:

  "executors": {
    // New
    "build": "@org/my-plugin:build",

    // Current
    "serve": { 
      "implementation": "...",
      "schema": "...",
      "description": "..."
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Support bun Package Manager!

First, install bun by following the documentation. Then you can generate a new Nx workspace by using:

bunx create-nx-workspace
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[💫 Upgrades]

Support Angular 18

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Looking for some help? 🤝Connect with me on Twitter LinkedIn Github


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