create-react-app with pnpm

SeongKuk Han - Jul 26 '22 - - Dev Community


CRA is dead. You can check alternatives to CRA in the official document such as Next.js, Remix and Gatsby. You can also use Vite too to start a React project.

pnpm: Fast, disk space efficient package manager

Recently, I've got to know about pnpm, and as a react developer, I've decided to have a first try with create-react-app.

1. Install pnpm

npm install -g pnpm
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2. Create a React project using create-react-app.

pnpm create react-app pnpm-cra --template typescript
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3. Delete node_modules, package-lock.json.

4. Install Packages using pnpm

pnpm install
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There might've been an error like below.

hint: If you want peer dependencies to be automatically installed, add "auto-install-peers=true" to an .npmrc file at the root of your project.
hint: If you don't want pnpm to fail on peer dependency issues, add "strict-peer-dependencies=false" to an .npmrc file at the root of your project.
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Let's take the hint.

Create a file .npmrc and added auto-install-peers=true, then remove node_modules and reinstall packages pnpm install.

5. Run a dev server

pnpm start
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In my case, there was another error.

Property 'toBeInTheDocument' does not exist on type 'JestMatchers<HTMLElement>'.
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I don't know exactly why it did happen though, it could've been solved by installing a type package.

pnpm add -D @types/testing-library__jest-dom
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Then re-run the dev server!

That's it, I hope it will be helpful for someone.
Happy Coding!

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