What does your job bring you?
You work hard, keep your LinkedIn updated, learn new skills and follow the trends.
Only for a better job and higher salary?
Yes. That might be. But is that all?
I've always wanted to work abroad, but I have only started learning English recently. So, these days, I've been focusing on learning English more than advancing my career. As you know, learning another language takes a lot of time and effort, and with my current situation, it takes too much energy to work on both my career and a new learning. This is why I've decided to concentrate on improving my English until I am comfortable with the language.
I had the following thoughts and worries.
I will have to put together my resume when I search for a job abroad, but what will I write on my resume if I don't study hard for my career? Currently, I have two years of experience, but do I have enough skills at the moment?
As a front-end engineer or a web developer, I think I need to have diverse knowledge about front-end, back-end, DevOps, browsers' characteristics, trendy libraries, frameworks, etc. Of course, you don't need to be a professional in all fields; but, do I have necessary skills in individual field?
The web environment is rapidly changing. New things are coming out every day. Will I be able to keep myself updated with the change?
Some of these thoughts were constantly there before making my decision.
Career wise, in the past I was jogging, but now, as I focused on English, I've decided to walk. I've decided this knowing there are people who are running and that there are even those who are walking as fast as I can run.
Whenever the worries listed above come to my mind, I feel depressed.
Then somehow, the question : What does my job bring me? came up
Why did I start this job?
I started this job because I liked coding.
I could do anything I want with my computer within my knowledge.
I code at work now.
I like it, I make money with it.
Isn't it too good to be true???
What an ideal world.
Why do I have to get depressed with those worries?
Do I have to become the best developer?
Is that what I want?
I thought listing my ultimate goals would be helpful to answer those questions.
My Ultimate Goals
- Work abroad
- Live in other countries
- Share programming knowledge
- Read and Listen to anything I want in English
- Interact with other developers around the world
Then I asked myself.
- If I can become fluent in English, is it okay to hold on to my career while I learn English? - Yes.
- If I get to know that I'm not as good as other developers, would it prevent me from enjoying my job? - No.
Now my worries have gone and I manage to concentrate on my goals in my own way.
Why did you start your job?
What does your job bring you?
What are your ultimate goals?