Pranav Bakare - Sep 29 - - Dev Community

BULK COLLECT and FORALL are both PL/SQL features designed to enhance performance by minimizing context switches between the SQL and PL/SQL engines. However, they serve different purposes: BULK COLLECT is used for fetching multiple rows from a query, while FORALL is used for performing DML (Data Manipulation Language) operations (like INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE) on multiple rows.

BULK COLLECT clause is used to fetch multiple rows into a collection (like a nested table, varray, or associative array) in a single operation, improving performance by reducing context switches between SQL and PL/SQL engines.

Procedure in PLSQL
In PL/SQL, a procedure is a subprogram that performs a specific task and can be called to execute its statements. Procedures can take parameters (inputs and outputs) and are typically used to encapsulate and organize code to perform a specific action, but they do not return values directly like functions.

A cron job is a scheduled task that runs automatically at specified times or intervals on Unix-like operating systems. Cron jobs are used to automate repetitive tasks, like running scripts, backing up databases, or generating reports.

cursors are used to handle multiple rows returned by queries in a controlled manner. A cursor acts like a pointer to the result set of a SQL query, allowing you to retrieve and process each row one at a time. Cursors come in two types - implicit and explicit depending on the level of control you want to exercise over fetching rows.

A trigger in PL/SQL is a special type of stored procedure that is executed automatically in response to specific events on a table or view, such as INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE operations.

Common Table Expression (CTE) is a powerful tool that allows you to define a temporary result set that can be referenced within a SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement. CTEs can help simplify complex queries, improve readability, and enable recursive queries.

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