What is Fiber architecture?

Nadim Chowdhury - Feb 15 - - Dev Community

The "Fiber" architecture in React is an internal implementation detail that significantly improves the performance and responsiveness of React applications by introducing a new reconciliation algorithm and scheduling mechanism.

Before the introduction of Fiber, React used a stack-based reconciliation algorithm, which could sometimes lead to performance bottlenecks, especially in large applications with complex component trees. The stack-based approach processed updates synchronously, which could result in long pauses during rendering, leading to janky user experiences.

The Fiber architecture introduces a new reconciliation algorithm and a virtual stack frame called "fiber" to manage the rendering process more efficiently. Here's an overview of how it works:

  1. Incremental Rendering: Fiber enables React to break down the rendering work into smaller, incremental chunks. Instead of trying to complete the entire reconciliation in one go, React can split the work into smaller units and prioritize rendering updates based on their priority level and deadlines.

  2. Prioritization and Scheduling: Fiber introduces a priority-based scheduling system, allowing React to prioritize different types of updates based on their importance. For example, React can prioritize rendering updates that are necessary for maintaining a smooth user experience (e.g., animations, user interactions) over less critical updates.

  3. Time Slicing: Fiber implements a concept called "time slicing," which allows React to interrupt the rendering process and yield control back to the browser's event loop periodically. This ensures that the rendering work doesn't block the main thread for too long, preventing UI freezes and improving responsiveness.

  4. Concurrency: Fiber enables concurrent rendering, allowing React to work on multiple tasks simultaneously. This concurrency model improves the utilization of available resources and can lead to faster rendering performance, especially on multi-core CPUs.

  5. Support for Suspense and Concurrent Mode: The Fiber architecture provides the foundation for features like Suspense and Concurrent Mode in React. Suspense allows components to suspend rendering while waiting for asynchronous data to load, while Concurrent Mode enables React to render multiple components concurrently, further improving performance.

Overall, the Fiber architecture in React represents a significant evolution in how React handles rendering and updates. By introducing incremental rendering, prioritization, time slicing, and concurrency, Fiber improves the performance, responsiveness, and user experience of React applications, especially in modern web environments with demanding requirements.

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