I created this simple notion portfolio page template using basic html, css, and JS, and you can extend this as well
- Search
- Easily add your own content using json and markdown
- Tailwind css, for rapid development.
Live site
You can view the live site here: Notion portfolio landing page
How to use
- download the portfolio from: https://awesome-landingpages.vercel.app/?search=notion
- inside data.json make the following changes
"name": "Paul's portfolio",
"icon": "./assets/images/home/paul.png",
"pages": [
"icon": "./assets/images/home/paul.png", // icon can be image, a bootstrap icon class or an emoji
"name": "About", // name of the page
"link": "/about", // should be unique
"content": "content/about.md" // this has to be a path to your md or your html content
"icon": "📖",
"name": "Blogs",
"link": "/blogs",
"content": "content/blog.html"
"icon": "bi bi-suitcase-lg-fill",
"name": "Work Experience",
"link": "/experience",
"content": "content/projects.html"
That's it, you have your own notion themed portfolio
Source code:
Source code for Traveler App landing page Github