This is a production ready Django SaaS Starter kit. You should focus on building your core functionality and skip writing repetitive code. This starterkit Comes packed with responsive design, landing page, Payment integration, blog, Custom user model, modern admin, sitemap and more.
Django is a popular choice among SaaS developers due to its flexibility, security and ability to rapidly develop and add features to their SaaS.
However, setting things up in the beginning would take time, such as making it Production ready, adding environment variables, adding blogs, creating the base template, payments and more. I tried to address many of these repetitive tasks by building this boilerplate
Has blog with pagination and Trix WYSIWYG editor built into the admin panel, so you can share articles with ease and build your SEO Game. 📖
Technical SEO optimization.
Dynamic Sitemap.xml
Google analytics
Django storages integration for production (default Google Object storage)
Tailwind css setup for rapid development (note: the tailwind classes are prefixed with tw-, to differentiate them)
Well looks like you just saved over 60+ hrs of work and headaches.
Oh! wait
If you don't want to deal with landing page, I have also made prebuilt landing pages so you can focus on shipping, iterating and marketing your SaaS instead of wasting time on non-trivial things.
Free to use landing pages for SaaS developers, freelancers, agencies and businesses
Free Landing page templates
Contains free and open-sourced website templates, including but not limited to SaaS landing page, portfolio, Restaurant page and more. Useful, for freelancers, agencies, SaaS developers, and more.
step 3: Install dependencies in an environment (creating an environment is optional, but recommended)
pip install -r requirements.txt
step 4: Add a .env file inside the project folder with the following
DJANGO_SUPERUSER_EMAIL="" # optonal use if you want to create supruser using --noinput
DJANGO_SUPERUSER_PASSWORD="" # optonal use if you want to create supruser using --noinput
PROJECT_ID="" # firebase project id
BUCKET_NAME="" # firebase storage name
Step 5: Now in your terminal Create databases and Tables using
python migrate
Step 6: Now run the website from the terminal using.
python runserver
step 7: To run Tailwind CSS open a new terminal and run
python tailwind start
Note: If you are facing problems starting this program in windows OS, remove logging from project/
Supercharge your SAAS development using the django SAAS Boilerplates
Django SaaS Boilerplate (production ready)
Focus on building your core functionality, skip writing repetitive code. Comes packed with landing page, Payment integration, blog, User model, sitemap and more.
Why use Django SaaS boilerplate?
Using a Django saas boilerplate can save you a lot of time, which is a huge benefit. Most customers don't care if you start from scratch or use a template; they just want their problem solved quickly. Whether you use Django or another framework usually doesn't matter to them as long as the job gets done efficiently.
This boilerplate can help you save hours of work, allowing you to focus on core functionality of your SaaS instead of spending a lot of time on setting up stripe, blog, login functionalities and landing page.
I am Paul, A full-stack developer and self-funded opensource dev. I write open-source project most of the time, if you want to see more open-source project you can follow me on twitter and Github:
My another upcoming open-source project is an extension, made to help you decide and pick better fonts for your website. You can test 1000+ fonts directly on your website. Its currently submitted for review, So if you want updates on that, you can visit Github Font Tester.
Thanks! Continue shipping your projects to production 🚀