From Zero to LinkedIn Top Voice: My Journey in Tech Storytelling!

Pavan Belagatti - Jan 16 - - Dev Community

Becoming LinkedIn’s Top Voice wasn’t an overnight success story for me. It was a journey marked by persistence, learning, and a keen understanding of the audience’s pulse. In this blog, I’m excited to share how I navigated the path of content creation, faced rejections, embraced learning, and eventually earned the LinkedIn Top Voice badge in the tech space.

top voice

The Beginning: Facing Rejections and Finding My Niche

My initial foray into content creation was met with numerous rejections. When I started to create content on LinkedIn in 2016, for straight twenty to thirty days, I saw no single reaction on my posts and videos, it was almost nil. Whenever I pitched my articles in the beginning to various publications, I was rejected with various reasons. Instead of blaming the other party, I took this as a challenge and started analysing my content for better styling and value creation. Well, when most of us go behind likes and reshares, the quantity gets a priority rather than the quality of the posts. Hence, I started working on the quality of my content. I started connecting with only the folks that might be interested in my posts/articles rather than connecting with everyone. Yes, your connections matter a lot. Not just with whom you are connecting, but also to figure out if they align with your interests.

The initial setbacks, however, didn’t deter me but instead motivated me to refine my approach. I meticulously analyzed my content, discerning what resonated with the audience and what didn’t. This introspection led me to discover an untapped opportunity within the realm of technology.

Slowly and steady I found my niche. It is also because of the type of role I was in (developer advocacy), developers made more sense to me to pick them as my audience. I started creating tech stories that resonated with my audience.

Building a Presence: Consistency and Learning

I always believed that being in a tech industry is not just enough, I should be known for my work and quality content. This promise to myself was there from the beginning. I used to remind this to myself whenever I used to get bored of creating content. Yes, it might get boring at times but you should not lose interest. Getting back afresh is the key. The LinkedIn algorithm works in a unique way. If you become idle and don’t produce content or do any activity, your profile authority gets down. You won’t be shown much in the search and this affects your overall views. Hence, it is always recommended to be active and consistently produce content in a regular intervals.

content creation

I began to share tech stories on LinkedIn, slowly but steadily gaining views and appreciation. Even on days when my posts garnered zero likes or reshares, I remained committed to my routine of posting daily. This consistency was a cornerstone of my growth. My background wasn’t rooted in technology, which posed a challenge, but I embraced it wholeheartedly. Diving into the tech world, I started with learning Node.js, creating simple applications, and unraveling the mysteries of testing and deployment.

I am also thankful to the type of organisations that hired me. They always believed in enriching developer experience. Hence, it made more sense for me to create related content that empowers developers.

Gaining Recognition: Tutorials, Talks, and Awards

My initial steps in tech led me to create tutorials on advanced topics like CI/CD, Serverless, and Microservices. I meticulously documented my work in GitHub repositories. This phase marked my transition into a more technical persona, eventually landing me a role as a developer advocate.

devops man of the year

I didn’t just create tutorials; I engaged with the developer community through talks and interactive sessions. My efforts didn’t go unnoticed. In 2020, DZone recognized my contributions by naming me the DevOps Person of the Year. This accolade boosted my LinkedIn presence, attracting a growing following of tech enthusiasts and professionals.

tech talks

Now I create tutorials and content around GenAI, ML, Data etc.

Sometimes, it is okay to boast a little about yourself in positive ways without affecting anyone’s sentiments. It is good to share what you do and how you do it. This might give inspiration to someone who is the same journey as you.

dev days bang

BTW, I am also recognised as one of the top authors at dev community.

Expanding Horizons: AI, ML, and Data

Joining SingleStore marked a new chapter in my career. I delved into the realms of AI, ML, and Data Science, sharing insights and experiences in this dynamic field. This content pivot garnered significant traction, further establishing my authority in the tech space.

I started understanding how Gen AI is changing the tech industry which was once just some talk in the air. Understanding real-time analytics, data engineering, creating a data pipeline and storing vectors embeddings in a vector database, oh! There is a lot more to learn and it gets exciting every day. I share all my learnings on my LinkedIn as a post.

I have already written over 50 articles on Gen AI, ML and Data Engineering. Read some I have written at SingleStore.

The Pinnacle: Receiving LinkedIn’s Top Voice Badge

This consistent effort in sharing valuable content, understanding the needs of the tech community, and speaking their language led to a significant milestone: being recognized as LinkedIn’s Top Voice. It’s a testament to the power of consistent, quality content that resonates with the audience.

Key Takeaways for Aspiring Content Creators

  • Consistency is Crucial: Regular posting helps in building a loyal audience.
  • Understand Your Audience: Share content that adds value and is relatable to your audience.
  • Keep Learning and Evolving: Staying up-to-date with industry trends and expanding your skill set is vital.
  • Engage Through Practical Insights: Theoretical knowledge is essential, but practical tutorials and applications drive higher engagement.
  • Recognition Follows Persistence: Awards and accolades are byproducts of consistent hard work and dedication.

I can share some more amazing takeaways that worked for me. Follow me on on LinkedIn.


As I reflect on this journey, I’m humbled and grateful for the engagement and support from the LinkedIn community. The Top Voice badge is more than an accolade; it’s a reminder of the impact one can make through dedication and passion. I encourage aspiring content creators and tech enthusiasts to start their journey, share their unique perspectives, and engage with the community. You never know where your consistency and dedication might lead you.

Thank you for following my journey. I look forward to continuing to share my experiences, insights, and learnings in the ever-evolving world of technology. Let’s keep learning and growing together!

If you like tech stories on AI/ML/Data/DevOps, follow me on LinkedIn:)

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