❤️ Thank you for your interest and attending our live-stream last week, if you missed it or want to re-watch it above (and you can 👍 and subscribe to our Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMunGHeQPceOWhNSqlmYWPg
👏 A huge thanks to our speakers Liting Zhou and Chenyang Lyu. If you have any questions for them and any of our past speakers, send them on and I will forward it on to them.
🌈 Of course I can't do this without ever awesome co-organisers Lei and Mick's help each month.
🦄 And to our community partners: Coding Grace (Zoom), ImagiLabs, PSF (Meetup) and PyLadies
📌 Announcements, CFPs, other events, etc. can be found via our notion page.
🗓 The next PyLadies Dublin is a special international collaboration with PyLadies Paris.
It will be 🔴 live-streamed and you can RSVP (so we know how many is interested*) on meetup and don't forget to hit that 🔔 when the live-stream goes live.
(*this will help us plan future events and see what interests people have in our various events, all the Yes and No RSVPs helps a lot, thank you.)
- Tue Sep 19th, 18:00 - 19:00 (Irish Time)
- https://www.meetup.com/PyLadiesDublin/events/280900898
📢 Call for speakers for Nov (our last PyLadies Dublin for 2021)
- Tue Nov 16, 18:30 - 19:30 (Irish Time)
- Interested? Send in your talk details to https://pyladiesdublin.typeform.com/to/VvW3iME6
📢 PyjamaConf CFP
- Deadline: 4th October, anywhere on earth (UTC+12)
- Details: https://pyjamas.live/cfp
If you have ideas for talks, workshops, something we haven't done before, or general questions of any kind, drop us an email at dublin@pyladies.com.
See you next month.