Top-Down Shooter Update: Day 1 (Done: Player Controller & 'Bullet')

QuantumByte Studios - May 25 - - Dev Community

When making the player controller, I realized I wouldn't be able to test the controls out on my mobile device immediately since I'm developing on my laptop.. how do developers normally test mobile games in Unity while developing on a computer?? If I make separate controls for computer than for mobile, then how do I know all my computer testing will correlate to similar performance on my mobile? Not sure what to do with this.. For now, I'll put in both computer and mobile controls, but this might make testing a bit more difficult unless maybe Unity has a way to send it directly to my phone.. I might have to do some research.

Then, for the bullet, I didn't really want to deal with the direction of the art asset in the direction the bullet is firing so the bullet sprite ended up looking more like a ninja star:

Image description

So I guess my game is ninja-related now. Is it ok for early art decisions to influence game design like that? I might change it later, but for now my bullet is unofficially a ninja star..

Here's a gameplay video so far:

..making it rain with giant ninja-stars! I'm not sure why he just throws the ninja stars up in the air more often than not. I might have to look into more directional star-throwing! Do you think this is good for his health?

Future Goals
-Research: how do developers normally test mobile games in Unity while developing on a computer?
-Make main character and ninja star smaller and star-throwing more directional
-Add basic UI (health and score)
-Create Enemy
-Spawn enemies

Smile and keep gaming!

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