Top-Down Shooter Update: Day 2 (Mobile Game Testing Question)

QuantumByte Studios - May 26 - - Dev Community

-Research question for today: how do developers normally test mobile games in Unity while developing on a computer?
I looked it up online, and found that to test mobile games in Unity, you need to download Android Build Support (~5GB and I don't have a great internet connection!). So... while it's downloading.. I'm writing this out!
It's not as easy to test changes on a phone as it is for a computer game, it seems. I guess this is the case for all games where development happens on a different platform than the end user. I have a new appreciation for people who design non-computer games! Brave souls!

My goals for today are:
-Add basic UI (health and score)
-Make main character and ninja star smaller
-Make star-throwing more directional

I'll check back with you later

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