js - | oops |

Ranjith Jr - Sep 6 - - Dev Community
Object Oriented Programming (OOPS)
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object issue: code repettition with individual objects

Class & Object (Blueprint)
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let john {

firstname: 'John ',
lastname: 'Doe' ,
dob: 1992,
phoneNo: 1234567890,      //object
isEmp10yed: true,

getDetails: function ( ) {           //function 

const age  = new Date( ).getFuIIYear( )- this.dob;

console. log(

'${this.firstname} ${this.lastname} is ${age} old & contact no is ${this.phoneNo}' );  //calculzte to age year -age 


getEmp1oyementStatus: function ( ) {

console. log(

'$(this.firstname) is ${this.isEmp1oyed ?'employed': 'unemployed'});


console.log(john);  // obj block call aagum

john. getDetai1s() ;  // getdetails functtion call agum

john. getEmp1oyementStatus( ) ;  // getemployement function call aagum

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     //class name
class Person {

                // construor inputs
constructor(firstname, lastname, dob,phoneNo, isEmpoyrd) {

        var n
this. firstname = firstname;
this. lastname = lastname;             // value assign
this. dob = dob;
this. phoneNo = phoneNo;                /// blue print
this. isEmp1oyed = isEmp10yed;


getDetails( ) {           //function 

const age  = new Date( ).getFuIIYear( )- this.dob;

console. log(

'${this.firstname} ${this.lastname} is ${age} years old & contact no is ${this.phoneNo}' );  //calculzte to age year -age 


getEmp1oyementStatus( ) {

console. log(

'${this.firstname}'${this.firstname} is ${this.isEmp1oyed ?'employed': 'unemployed'});


                             //input kudukkanum
let anni = new Person( 'Star' , ' Light ', 1997,123456789,true) ;   // obj creation or instant creation

anni. getDetai1s();        // f calling
anni. getEmp1oyementStatus ( ) ;

   // var name
let homelander = new Person( ' Anatony'.' star ', 1997,123456789,false) ;

 homelander.getEmp1oyementStatus ( ) ; 

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Inheritance (Parent Child)
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    //class name
class Person {

                 construor inputs
constructor(firstname, lastname, dob,phoneNo, isEmpoyrd) {

       //var n
this. firstname = firstname;
this. lastname = lastname;             // value assign
this. dob = dob;
this. phoneNo = phoneNo;                /// blue print

this. isEmp1oyed = isEmp1oyed;


getDetails( ) {           //function 

const age  = new Date( ).getFuIIYear( )- this.dob;

console. log(

'${this.firstname} ${this.lastname} is ${age} years old & contact no is ${this.phoneNo}' );  //calculzte to age year -age 


getEmp1oyementStatus( ) {

console. log(
'${this.firstname}'${this.firstname} is ${this.isEmp1oyed ?'employed': 'unemployed'});


//child person ulladha empoyee inherit panna poooguthu

    //cls name  // inherit function
Class Employee extends person{  // ippo  parent ullla ellathiyum emp;oyee access pannum
     // child                    //parent

dob ,
company );


// employee ullatha  parentku anupaa
super(firstname, lastname, dob,phoneNo,isEmployed) ;  // functio ullaa pogum
              // input
this.jobTit1e = jobTit1e;
this. company = company;

getJobDetaiIs() {

console. log(
'${this.firstname)${this. lastname} work as a ${this.jobTit1e) at ${this. company}');

let employeel = new Employee{

'Arun',                                           //object creation
'Kumar '
"softwar developer",
"tech corp"};

employeel. getJobDetai1s ( ) ;
employeel. getE1oyementStatus ( ) ;  // parent ulla irukka estatus cal pannum
employeel. getDétai1s ( ) ;

//console.log( employeel.firstname); // paticular vale access panna
//console.log( employeel.lasttname);

let employee2 = new Employee{

'Ranjith ',
'Kumar '
"softwar developer",
"tech corp"};

employee2. getJobDetai1s ( ) ;
employee2. getE1oyementStatus ( ) ;
employee2. getDétai1s ( ) ;

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Polymorphism (Same method in different form)
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     //class name
class Person {
                 construor inputs
constructor(firstname, lastname, dob,phoneNo, isEmpoyrd) {

       //var n
this. firstname = firstname;
this. lastname = lastname;             // value assign
this. dob = dob;
this. phoneNo = phoneNo;                /// blue print

this. isEmp10yed = isEmp10yed;


getDetails( ) {           //function 

const age  = new Date( ).getFuIIYear( )- this.dob;

console. log(

'${this.firstname} ${this.lastname} is ${age} years old & contact no is ${this.phoneNo}' );  //calculzte to age year -age 

getEmp10yementStatus( ) {

console. log(
'${this.firstname}'${this.firstname} is ${this.isEmp1oyed ?'employed': 'unemployed'});


//child person ulladha empoyee inherit panna poooguthu

    //cls name  // inherit function
Class Employee extends person{  // ippo  parent ullla ellathiyum emp;oyee access pannum
     // child                    //parent

dob ,
company } 


// employee ullatha  parentku anupaa
super(firstname, lastname, dob,phoneNo,isEmployed) ;  // functio ullaa pogum
              // input
this.jobTit1e = jobTit1e;
this. company = company;

// Overriding the getdetails method (parent ulla irukkuratha override pannum its called polymorphism)

getDetai1s() {

const age = new Date ().gettFullYear()- this.dob;

console. log ( 
${this.firstname} ${this.lastname} is ${age} years old,work as a ${this.jobTit1e} at ${this.conpany});

getJobDetaiIs() {

console. log(
'${this.firstname)${this. lastname} work as a ${this.jobTit1e) at ${this. company}');

let employeel = new Employee{

'Arun',                                           //object creation
Kumar '
"softwar developer",
"tech corp"};

employeel. getDétai1s ( ) ;

let employee2 = new Employee{
'Ranjith ',
Kumar '
"softwar developer",
"tech corp"};

employee2. getDétai1s ( ) ;

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class Student extends Person {

constructor(firstnne, lastname, dob, phoneNo,school, grade),{

super(firstnæ, lastnæ, dob, phonek), isEmployed);
this. school school;
this.grade = grade;


// Overriding the getDetails method

getDetai1s() {

const age = new Date().getFu11Year()- this .dob;

 console. log(

'${this.firstname)${this. lastname} is  ${age)  grade ${this. grade} is  ${this. school} ');


let student = new Student(
' Lakshmi ',
' Priya',
'Sunrise School',

student. getDetai1s() ;

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Encapsulation (protected ) 
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    //class name
class BankAccount {

#balance; //private field    //bank account vech access Panna mudiyaathu 

constructor (initialBalance) {

// ini balance set to private   
this.#balance = initialBalance;


  // Fn  //Input 
deposit(amount) {

if (amount > 0) {

this.#balance += amount;

console.log(Deposited ${amount). New Balance $(this.#balance}) ;

} else {

console.log(Invalid deposit amount);



withdraw (amount) {

if (amount > 0 && amount <= this.#balance) {

this.#balance -= amount;

console.log("Withdraw ${amount). New Balance ${this.#balance));

} else {

console.log(Insufficient funds or invalid amount.");



//balance paakka indha part 
getBalance() {

return this.#balance;



let savningAccount = new BankAccount(1000);

savningAccount deposit (500);

savningAccount withdraw(200);

savningAccount withdraw(30000);

savningAccount deposit (-1000);

//saving Account. #balence 100000; Error ' private field 

console.log(savningAccount.getBalance());  // balance paaka 

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Deposited 500. New Balance 154

Withdraw 200. New Balance 1200 

Insufficient funds Invalid amount.

Invalid deposit amount

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