Highlight job ads posted by job agent in LinkedIn Jobs

Salad Lam - Jan 31 - - Dev Community


I wrote this article and was originally published on Qiita on 31 August 2021.

Reason to write this

When I look up jobs in "LinkedIn Jobs", I found that there are so much ads posted by job agent. I used so much time every day to filter out these ads. Therefore I wrote this code.
This code is written by pure JavaScript and no 3rd library is used. I tried it on Google Chrome only and it seens that can work on other browser.

How to use the code

  1. fill your agent list into variable "agentList"
let agentList = [

function highlightAgent() {
  document.querySelectorAll("a[data-control-name='job_card_company_link']").forEach(function(currentValue) {
    let name = currentValue.text.trim();
    let agentName = agentList.find(function(input) {return input === name});
    if (agentName !== undefined) {
      currentValue.style.backgroundColor = "#FF0000";

window.setInterval(highlightAgent, 5000);
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
  1. paste the code into "Console" of "DevTools" (assume that you are using Google Chrome). The highlight function will be run in every 5 seconds, so you can see result at most 5 seconds after you press next page.


It is in active when you press next page, unless you press "reload" of browser.

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