Spring boot example application: notice board

Salad Lam - Feb 11 - - Dev Community


I wrote this article and was originally published on Qiita on 3 September 2019.


I write this application is for explain the mechanism of different component of Spring framework. This can also be used as playground for testing components of Spring Framework.


  • Display notice on stated time
  • Approval before display
  • Multi language UI

Main component used

  • Spring Boot 2.1.X
  • Spring MVC 5.1.X with thymeleaf 3.0.X
  • Spring Security 5.1.X
  • Spring JDBC 5.1.X
  • Dozer 5.5.X


Data stored in embedded H2 database. Schema and data is imported when application start and all data will be lost after application shutdown.


  • Java SE Development Kit 8 or above
  • Internet connection

Compile and run

Apache Maven wrapper is included, no addition package manager is necessary.

Compile (On Microsoft Windows)

mvnw package
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Run (On Microsoft Windows)

mvnw spring-boot:run
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Open browser and enter "http://localhost:8080". Press Ctrl+C to stop.


Username Password Authorities
user1 user1 USER
user2 user2 USER
admin admin USER, ADMIN

Source code

You may download source code from here.

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