Testing Technique

samu santhiraj - May 29 - - Dev Community

Boundary value analysis is a software testing technique in which tests are designed to include values at the boundaries between partitions of input values .This helps in identifying errors at the boundaries of input domains .
It a software testing technique in which tests are designed to include representatives of boundary values in a range.

  1. Lower boundary cases(min)
  2. Upper boundary cases(max)
  3. On boundary cases(minmax)
    You are going for an adventure park they have a age restriction like this. these are valid data that we will be arriving on if we apply boundary value analysis.
    Enter your age(*only 10 to 60 are allowed for this ride)
    Invalid valid Invalid
    min-1 min max max+1
    9 12 61

    1. More application errors occurs at the boundaries of the input domain.
    2. Its used to identify errors at boundaries rather than finding those that exist in the center of the input domain.

Decision table testing is a black-box testing technique used to evaluate system behavior based on combination of input conditions or actions. It involves creating a table that captures all possible input combinations and their corresponding expected outputs or actions.
This technic can also called as cause and effect table ,as it captures the driving factors and the effect in the table format.
You are going for Poorvika mobiles .Membership D1 offer , more then one product D2 offer & credit card offer D3.
D1 D2 D3
Membership offer offer - -
More then 1 product - offer -
credit card - - offer
credit card + membership offer - offer
new customer - - -

Use case is much like a older brother to user stories. Use case is a process of defining the action done by the users on the system and the responses of the system for the corresponding action.

  1. Describes the system behavior end user perspective
  2. It explains the functionality or requirement, the customer requirement or project requirement can be specify in the use cases.
  3. use case is a representation of actions which describes the behavior of system to do a particular task. Example:

anna university result

                        user         system                 result
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

enter reg. no valid reg no check the reg no positive
enter invalid reg no invalid reg no check reg no MSG negative
"invalid reg no"

Transparent box

LCSAJ stands for “Linear Code Sequence and Jump” testing. It is a white-box testing technique used to assess the coverage of source code within a software program.
LCSAJ testing focuses on verifying that all linear code sequences and jumps within the code are exercised by test cases. This technique is commonly used in the context of structural testing or code coverage analysis.

  1. The starting line at the beginning of a module or at a line of code that was jumped to by another LCSAJ.
  2. The end of the LCSAJ at the end of a module or at a line of code where a jump occurs. 3.The target of the jump
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