Mastering HTTP Methods for Robust Web Development

Sato Kenta - Dec 18 '23 - - Dev Community

APIs make the internet functional and user-friendly, and understanding the various HTTP methods is pivotal for web developers and their interactions with web servers. This write-up delves into why and how these methods are employed, including GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, along with fewer-known but equally important ones like PATCH and HEAD.

Understanding HTTP Basics

At the heart of internet-based communication lies HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) - a system governing data exchange between clients and servers. HTTP verbs, another term for HTTP methods, specify the possible interactions with internet resources. They're part and parcel of web development, with popular choices being GET for retrieval and POST for data submission.

Here is a list of some essential HTTP methods in Apidog : GET, POST, PUT, HEAD, DELETE, PATCH, OPTIONS, CONNECT, and TRACE. The most commonly used HTTP methods are GET and POST.


The Divergent Paths of GET and POST Requests

With GET, client requests are all about data acquisition from the server – a straightforward ask-and-receive operation that's ideal for pulling web pages or API data.

Contrastingly, POST's realm involves data delivery to a server. It's the backbone of online forms and API-fed resource creation, where the POST body of the request is the courier of this data.

GET Requests: The Inquisitive Method

Through GET requests, one makes inquiries to gather data – it's a safe and repeatable process that's synonymous with web resource queries. Parameters for a GET request are strung together in a URL's query string; a classic example would be retrieving user data with an endpoint like This direct approach lays out any relevant details in the subsequent server response.

GET Method

When issuing GET requests, keep these nuances in mind:

  • Parameters enter the URL battlefield as a query string, where "id=123&name=John" forms part of the resource locator.
  • URL length is not infinite; an overlong string might be ignored or snipped by the server.
  • These request parameters can linger in caches and logs – a potential privacy concern.

POST Requests: The Courier of Data

POST takes the stage when creation is the goal, sidestepping the full resource representation that PUT insists on and focusing on the genesis of new entries instead.


Setting POST apart from PUT is its role in fresh resource creation, as opposed to updating operational procedures with PUT. POST is a wild card — potentially non-idempotent, meaning that one or many identical requests could lead to different outcomes.

Here is a guide on how to send a POST request for you:

DELETE Requests: The Eraser

DELETE requests signify the intent to scrub a resource off the server's records. It's the HTTP equivalent of a 'delete' command, cutting ties to specified resources upon request. While outcomes can range from a confirmation of deletion to a not-found status, DELETE's main sell is its direct approach to expunging resources.


Exploring Other Methods: PUT, PATCH, and HEAD

HTTP doesn't stop there. Methods like PATCH offer partial updates, a precision tool where only specific changes are transmitted for updating.

Explained: PUT vs PATCH

PUT is about overhauling resources server-side with a complete makeover, whereas PATCH zooms in on only the deltas needing alterations. Both preach idempotence, advocating for consistency in outcome no matter the request repetition.

HEAD: The Silent Observer

Imagine GET without the gift of gab – that's HEAD. It silently requests resource metadata, divulging details on content type and more, sans the actual content.


In summary, understanding and mastering the intricacies of HTTP methods are indispensable for robust web development. These methods, from retrieving data with GET to creating resources with POST and managing updates with PUT and PATCH, play a vital role in delivering efficient and effective web experiences. Additionally, exploring innovative tools like Apidog can further enhance developers' proficiency in managing these methods, leading to streamlined API development processes.

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