How to extend interfaces in TypeScript

Saulo Dias - May 18 '21 - - Dev Community

The other day I had the following problem: the property sources in my interface ITemplateField was a list of key-value objects.

export interface ITemplateField { 
  sources?: KeyValue<string, string>[];
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KeyValue was a generic type imported from @angular/common, but I needed a new property called descriptionin the sourceslist items.

interface KeyValue<K, V> {
  key: K;
  value: V;
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I couldn't (and I shouldn't) create a new parameter in the KeyValue generic type. First, it is a library import, which I couldn't change unless I changed the implementation in the library, and second, it is a key-value generic interface, and we should never pollute generic scopes.

Enter interface extensions

I decide creating a new interface named Source, which extends KeyValue<string, string>

interface Source extends KeyValue<string, string> {
  description: string;
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Once I did that, all I needed to do was to use it as the new type for sources.

export interface ITemplateField { 
  sources?: Source[];
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Works like a charm.

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