React 19: New Features and Upcoming Major Releases in 2024

Sayuj Sehgal - Mar 13 - - Dev Community

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Get ready, ReactJS enthusiasts! In this post, we’ll talk about the latest and coolest things happening in ReactJS that are about to change how we create user interfaces.

React Compiler:

  • No longer a research project, the compiler now powers Instagram in production.

  • Team aims to ship the compiler to other Meta surfaces and prepare for open-source release.

  • The compiler aims to eliminate the need for manual memoization by automatically optimizing re-renders based on state changes.

  • The compiler adheres to strict React rules to ensure safe and predictable code transformations.


  • Actions offer a unified way to handle data submissions from client to server.

  • Define actions on the client or server with use client and use server directives.

  • Access form state and response with useFormStatus and useFormState.

  • Utilize useOptimistic for temporary UI updates while data is processed.

  • Actions are available in the React Canary channel and will be released soon.

New Features in React Canary:

  • React Server Components (RSC): Render components directly on the server for SEO and performance benefits.

  • Asset Loading: Suspense now handles loading of stylesheets, fonts, and scripts.

  • Document Metadata: Built-in support for rendering

    , , and tags.
  • These features are ready for production use in Canary, but will be part of React 19 due to their interdependence.

The Next Major Version of React:

  • React 19 is coming! Includes all the features mentioned above, plus long-awaited improvements like Web Components support.

  • Breaking changes are expected due to new features like Asset Loading.

  • More information and release timeline coming soon.

Activity (formerly Offscreen):

  • Research on a feature for managing active and inactive parts of the UI.

  • Temporarily deprioritized while focusing on other features.

Key points summarized:

  • React Compiler is moving towards open source and production use.

  • Actions simplify data handling and form management.

  • React Canary offers early access to new features like RSC and Asset Loading.

  • React 19 brings major improvements and breaking changes.

  • Activity research continues, focusing on other features first.

Thanks for being part of this read, and for more updates you can join upcoming React Conf (May 15-16 2024).

If you like this blog, you can visit my personal blog sehgaltech for more content.

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