Run Java OpenGL (JOGL) on Linux

Shawon Saha - Mar 27 '21 - - Dev Community

At first, make sure you have java installed on your system. To check that open Terminal (ctrl + alt + t) and run java -version

OpenJDK Linux

If you don't see any version then you have to install OpenJDK on your system. To do that run these two commands

sudo apt-get install openjdk-11-jre
sudo apt-get install openjdk-11-jdk

and check your java -version again.

Once you successfully install java on your system then you have to install JOGL. To do that run this command on terminal.

sudo apt-get install libjogl2-java

After installing JOGL install eclipse

Now Open Eclipse and Create a Java project and give your project a name.

Create a Java Project
You can also find it under File > New > Java Project

After giving a nice name in your project Click Next
Project Name

From the Libraries select Classpath and click Add External JARs Add External JARs

Navigate to /usr/share/java/ and choose these two files jogl2.jar and gluegen2-rt.jar.If you import correctly then You should see those file's paths under Classpath. Now click Finish (You can skip creating Module).

Now expand your project from the sidebar and right-click on src then Create a new class


If everything is done correctly a Canvas window will pop up after running your JOGL code!


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