🎉 Announcing Angular Hot Toast — The Best Angular Toast in Town

Dharmen Shah - Feb 2 '21 - - Dev Community

A few weeks ago Netanel Basal came up with an idea to create react-hot-toast like library for Angular community.

And I am really glad that we ended up creating the best Angular toast in town, announcing...

# 🎉 Angular Hot Toast — The Best Angular Toast in Town

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Getting Started

You can install it through Angular CLI:

ng add @ngneat/hot-toast
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or with npm:

npm install @ngneat/overview @ngneat/hot-toast
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When you install using npm or yarn, you will also need to import HotToastModule in your app.module. You can also set global toast options (Partial<ToastConfig>) here.:

import { HotToastModule } from '@ngneat/hot-toast';

  imports: [HotToastModule.forRoot()],
class AppModule {}
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  • 🔥 Hot by default
  • Easy to use
  • 🐍 Snackbar variation
  • Accessible
  • 🖐️ Reduce motion support
  • 😊 Emoji Support
  • 🛠 Customizable
  • Observable API
  • Pause on hover
  • 🔁 Events
  • 🔒 Persistent

Here are some basic examples:

import { HotToastService } from '@ngneat/hot-toast';

export class AppComponent {
  constructor(private toast: HotToastService) {}

  showToast() {
    this.toast.show('👋 Hello World!');
    this.toast.success('👍 Yeah!!');
    this.toast.warning('🧐 Boo!');
    this.toast.error('😭 Oh no!');
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A common task is to show a success or error toasts based on the server response. To make your life easier, we created a custom operator that will do the work for you:

import { HotToastService } from '@ngneat/hot-toast';

export class AppComponent {
  constructor(private toast: HotToastService, 
              private usersService: UsersService) {}

  update() {
         loading: 'Updating...',
         success: '🚀',
         error: '😡'
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Checkout more examples at: https://ngneat.github.io/hot-toast/


GitHub logo ngneat / hot-toast

🍞 Smoking hot Notifications for Angular. Lightweight, customizable and beautiful by default.

npm MIT commitizen PRs styled with prettier styled with prettier All Contributors ngneat cypress semantic-release

Smoking hot Notifications for Angular. Lightweight, customizable and beautiful by default. Inspired from react-hot-toast

Compatibility with Angular Versions

@ngneat/hot-toast Angular
3.x >= 9.1.13 < 13
4.x >= 13


  • 🔥 Hot by default
  • Easy to use
  • 🐍 Snackbar variation
  • Accessible
  • 🖐️ Reduce motion support
  • 😊 Emoji Support
  • 🛠 Customizable
  • Observable API
  • Pause on hover
  • 🔁 Events
  • 🔒 Persistent


You can install it through Angular CLI:

ng add @ngneat/hot-toast
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or with npm:

# For Angular version >= 9.1.13 < 13
npm install @ngneat/overview@2.0.2 @ngneat/hot-toast@3
# For Angular version >=13
npm install @ngneat/overview@3.0.0 @ngneat/hot-toast@4
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When you install using npm or yarn, you will also need to import HotToastModule in your app.module. You can also set global toast options (Partial<ToastConfig>) here.:

import { HotToastModule } from '@ngneat/hot-toast';
  imports: [HotToastModule.forRoot()],
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Do checkout the library and let us know your feedback. You can reach-out to me at @shhdharmen.

Happy Coding

🌲 🌞 😊

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