DevDiscuss Resume Stats

Tyler V. (he/him) - Jun 27 '19 - - Dev Community

During #DevDiscuss last night, we discussed resumes! I posed this question, which received more attention than expected:

So being the math-minded person that I am, I started to wonder what the responses would look like in a Pie chart (OK, maybe I also wanted a reason to play with Affinity Designer).

Pie Chart showing the statistics: 22% Latex, 10% Google Drive, 9% HTML & CSS, 8% Word/Pages, 6% Canva, 5% Indesign, 5% LinkedIn, 3% Markdown, and 28% Other

My quick notes about the data:

  • At the time of review, I pulled 207 responses indicating a resume creation tool of choice.
  • Latex was a VERY popular response. I suspect this is higher within the developer community than outside it.
  • Personally, I never would have thought to use tools like Illustrator/Canva, but many others have! I loved the variety of responses received - There are so many interesting tools out there for resume generation.

What do you use for your resume? Feel free to join in here, or on Twitter!

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