Live Stream Incoming!

Tyler V. (he/him) - Aug 7 '20 - - Dev Community

On Monday, August 10 from 7PM-9PM Eastern I'm going to be doing my first coding focused livestream on Twitch and would love if you came to hang out and ask me about my experiences with webdev or to talk about whatever random tangent we go on!

Goals for the Stream ๐Ÿ†

๐Ÿ’š My primary goal for my channel is to teach others and spread my knowledge of HTML/CSS/JS/Vue
โ“ Providing a place for people to ask questions about webdev
โœจ Learn publicly - I'm not very good at sharing what I've been up to and want to get better at it! Yay self-improvement!
๐ŸŽ‰ Having Fun! I'm a bit of a goof irl and love to build silly things! (I also think fun things are the best educational tool)
๐Ÿ• Meet some of the awesome developers out there!

Have a question/bug? ๐Ÿ›

If you have something you're stuck on or something you would like to see covered, feel free to drop a repo/codepen down below with what your error is and I might take a look at it on stream! ๐Ÿ‘‡

Can't make it to the live stream? โŒš

Don't worry! Afterwards I'll be uploading segments of it to YouTube (link coming soonโ„ข)!

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