Well, here we are going to list down some of the well-known JavaScript influencers. Although, before we head towards the list let's take an overview of JavaScript.
What is Javascript?
Well, JavaScript is one of the oldest programming languages. It is a text-based programming language used both on the client-side and server-side that allows you to make web pages interactive. Besides, it is easy to learn and use. Also, it is a very powerful scripting language, widely used for controlling web page behavior.
For more details refer: Which is the best JavaScript framework in 2022?
What are JavaScript influencers and why do they matter?
Well, JavaScript influencers are people with knowledge and expertise in the field i.e JavaSCript. They are also connected to the audience from the field you’re trying to reach.
Furthermore, because they are connected to your target audience, they also have a great influence over that audience’s decisions because of their level of trustworthiness and expertise in the industry.
If you are working with JavaScript projects then you must keep in check the following influencers for great tips, ideas, and connection opportunities.
Now, the following are some of the best JavaScript influencers to follow in 2021. Some of them are creators of well know JavaScript frameworks such as VueJS, some are recognized developers/ designers that can inspire your work as well.
So, let's check them out.
An independent software developer and the creator of the open-source JavaScript framework Vue.js.
Website: http://evanyou.me
Creator of Vue.js
Twitter 132.6k followers
GitHub 68.6k followers
Projects: vitejs/vite, vuejs/vue, vuejs/vue-next, vuejs/vitepress
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She makes tools for developers, projects, and on the Vue.js core team. She is also VP of Developer Experience at Netlify, a company that makes it quick and straightforward to deploy sites. Besides, she is a staff writer for CSS-Tricks and has also written a book on SVG Animations from O’Reilly. In addition, she is a Frontend Master: she has courses on Vue, Nuxt, SVG Animation, and Design for Developers, all of the materials of which are open-sourced on this here site.
Twitter: 195.7k followers
GitHub: 16.3k followers
Projects: awesome-actions, intro-to-vue, cssgridgenerator, array-explorer, ecommerce-netlify
- Twitter: 290.3k followers
Github: 65k followers
Projects: facebook/react, reduxjs/redux, facebook/create-react-app, reduxjs/redux-devtools, react-dnd/react-dnd, paularmstrong/normalizr
While working on React.js project it is advisable to React Admin Dashboard to create progressive and responsive web apps.
Founder of http://apex.sh
Website: https://www.tjholowaychuk.com/
Twitter: 46.7k followers
GitHub: 45.2k followers
Projects: apex/up, git-extras, koajs/koa, clibs/clib, commander.js
Full-time open-sourcerer
Website: https://sindresorhus.com
Twitter: 49k followers
GitHub: 42.3k followers
Projects: awesome, awesome-nodejs, avajs/ava, xojs/xo
Engineering Manager at Google working on Chrome & Web Platform
Website: https://www.addyosmani.com
Twitter: 256.9k followers
GitHub: 37.1k followers
Projects: google/material-design-lite, tastejs/todomvc, GoogleChrome/workbox, GoogleChromeLabs/quicklink
Currently head of engineering at Humu. Former eng manager of @reactjs at Facebook.
- Website: https://sophiebits.com/
- Twitter: 60.6k followes
- GitHub: 7.8k followers
- Projects: facebook/react, KaTeX/KaTeX, facebook/react-devtools, facebook/draft-js, vim-awesome/vim-awesome
front-end developer and work on the Google Chrome team focused on Developer Tooling. He’s a front-end developer. He is an expert in making slick, awesome mobile websites. Paul’s blog dispenses with small talk. He gets right into the code behind the design. If you’re familiar and comfortable with CSS coding or WebKit, then he is the guy to keep in check.
Website: http://paulirish.com
Twitter: 240.5k followers
Github: 29.6k followers
Project: h5bp/html5-boilerplate, Webfundamentals, GoogleChrome/lighthouse, so-fancy/diff-so-fancy, git-open
Creator @d3.
Website: bost.ocks.org/mike
Github: 21.21k followers
Projects: d3/d3
Mark otto is a principal Design & Brand Architect at @github. He is the creator of Bootstrap a most used and loved free and open-source CSS framework directed at responsive, mobile-first front-end web development. Because of its high demand bootstrap admin templates are often used for responsive web app development.
Creator of: Bootstrap
Website: mdo.fm
Twitter: 71.2k followers
GitHub: 20k followers
Projects: twbs/bootstrap, code-guide, twbs/icons, github-buttons
Create courses for Pluralsight, and work in Developer Relations.
Website: johnpapa.net
Twitter: 98.8k followers
GitHub: 14k followers
Projects: Angularjs, Angular, angular-styleguide, vscode-angular-snippets
Rust Foundation ED. @rustlang core. Previously, at Cloudflare, she was a systems engineer that wrote, wrangler, the official CLI tool, that connects developers to Cloudflare's edge application platform, Workers.
- Twitter: 20.8k followers
- GitHub: 4.3k followers
- Projects: rustwasm/wasm-bindgen, rustwasm/wasm-pack, cloudflare/wrangler
Website: ashkenas.com
Github: 12.6kFollowers
Projects: Backbone, Coffeescript
Urban designer turned open-source developer.
Website: jlord.github.io
Github: 12.6kFollowers
Projects: git-it-electron, sheetsee.js,
He is a web designer and developer. He has built CSS-Tricks, a website all about building websites.
He is also the co-founder of CodePen, a playground for front-end web development. It’s a social development environment for front-end designers and developers.
- Website: css-tricks.com
Twitter: 240.6k followers
Github: 8.1k followers
Projects: My-Grunt-Boilerplate, Simple-Offline-Site, coding-fonts
The creator of node.js
Website: http://tinyclouds.org/
GitHub: 24.5k followers
Projects: NodeJS,tensorflow-resnet, v8worker, tensorflow-vgg16
Christian Nwamba
He is a JavaScript Open Source Developer. He has worked on Vue projects.
- Twitter: 39.8k Followers
- GitHub: 1.8k Followers
- Projects: vue-auth-vuex, scotch-vue-store, scotch-player, herm-workshop, instagram-clone
Gift Egwuenu
She is a front-end engineer and technical writer. Apart from the frontend developer, she is passionate about making the web accessible to everyone and advocating for building open and inclusive developer communities.
- Website: https://www.giftegwuenu.dev
- Twitter: 18.3k Follower
- Github: 1.1k Followers
- Projects: railsapp, gridsome-butter, ### PMS-Backend
Samantha Ming
Front End Developer
- Website:https://www.samanthaming.com/
- Twitter: 22.4k followers
- Github: 1.6k followers
- Project: samanthaming.com, web-basics-challenge
So, here was the list of some JavaScript influencers that you should follow. These influencers are highly active and always in touch with new trends and possibilities.
By connecting with them you can keep yourself up to date with all the latest news, technology, updates, etc. Also, because of their vast experience, you can always get benefits from their advice, tutorials, and examples.
Do tell us your suggestions regarding influencers that we should mention here. Also, don't forget to bookmark and share this collection.
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