Angular Addicts #21: signal stores, router unit testing & more

Gergely Szerovay - Jan 3 - - Dev Community

👋Hey fellow Angular Addict

This is the 21st issue of the Angular Addicts Newsletter, a monthly collection of carefully selected Angular resources that got my attention. (Here are the 20th, 19th, and 18th issues.)

💎Angular Gems of December, 2023

📰A change detection, zone.js, zoneless, local change detection, and signals story

Enea Jahollari takes a deep dive into Angular's change detection system, he explains:

  • How change detection works with synchronous and asynchronous code
  • What the role of Zone.js is
  • How component dirty marking works
  • How the OnPush change detection strategy and the async pipe work
  • How change detection with Signals works, local change detection

📰Testing routed components with RouterTestingHarness

This is the fifth part of Lars Gyrup Brink Nielsen's "Angular router testing" series:

In this latest article, Lars explains how to use the RouterTestingHarness with a router based on the Tour of Heroes router tutorial.

📰The NGRX Signal Store and Your Architecture

Manfred Steyer wrote a four-part long series about NGRX Signal Stores:

In the latest article of his series (The NGRX Signal Store and Your Architecture), he focuses on the following architectural questions: Where to put the signal stores? How large should a store be? Is a store allowed to access other stores? Can a signal store be used for global state? Can a signal store be used together with or instead of the traditional Redux-based NGRX Store?

📰Navigating the Nuances of toSignal in Angular: What to Know

In his blog post, Netanel Basal explains how to mitigate the following issues with the toSignal in root level provided services:

  • Instant subscription
  • Subscription leaks in root services

📰Unleashing the Power of JavaScript: Advanced Closures for Efficient and Elegant Code in Javascript

In his blog post, Vamsi Krishna Kodimela explains what closures are, and how to use them to:

  • Create factory functions
  • Do currying
  • Implement memoization
  • Handling events

👨‍💻About the author

My name is Gergely Szerovay, I work as a frontend development chapter lead. Teaching (and learning) Angular is one of my passions. I consume content related to Angular on a daily basis — articles, podcasts, conference talks, you name it.

I created the Angular Addict Newsletter so that I can send you the best resources I come across each month. Whether you are a seasoned Angular Addict or a beginner, I got you covered.

Next to the newsletter, I also have a publication called — you guessed it — Angular Addicts. It is a collection of the resources I find most informative and interesting. Let me know if you would like to be included as a writer.

Let’s learn Angular together! Subscribe here 🔥

Follow me on Substack, Medium,, Twitter or LinkedIn to learn more about Angular!

🕹️Previous issues

If you missed the previous issues of the newsletter, you can read them here, these are the latest 3 issues:

📨 Submit your Angular resource

Have you found or written an interesting Angular-related article, tweet or other resource lately? Please let me know here in the comments or send me a DM on Twitter! I might feature it in the next Angular Addicts issue!

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