The local component scope of standalone Angular components

Lars Gyrup Brink Nielsen - Aug 31 '22 - - Dev Community

Cover photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash.

A standalone component is independent from an Angular module. It directly references the declarables (components, directives, and pipes) used in its template.

Declarable dependencies

A standalone Angular component specifies declarable dependencies in the Component.imports metadata option to manage its local component scope.

Let's consider a standalone implementation of the hero detail component from the Tour of Heroes tutorial:

import { NgIf, UpperCasePipe } from '@angular/common';
import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { FormsModule } from '@angular/forms';

  imports: [FormsModule, NgIf, UpperCasePipe],
  selector: 'toh-hero-detail',
  standalone: true,
  styleUrls: ['./hero-detail.component.css'],
  template: `
    <div *ngIf="hero">
      <h2>{{ | uppercase }} Details</h2>
      <div><span>id: </span>{{ }}</div>
        <label for="hero-name">Hero name: </label>
          placeholder="Hero name"
      <button type="button" (click)="goBack()">go back</button>
      <button type="button" (click)="save()">save</button>
export class HeroDetailComponent {
  // Class body omitted

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Importantly, the Component.standalone metadata option is set to true.

Next, we list declarable dependencies and/or Angular modules exporting declarbales in the Component.imports metadata option. See how the structural directive NgIf is listed alongside the Angular pipe UppercasePipe, both from the @angular/common package. This is possible since they are both standalone declarables in modern versions of Angular.

ℹ️ Note
It is still possible to import CommonModule to introduce all the common Angular declarables to a standalone component's local component scope.

Additionally, the FormsModule is added to the Component.imports metadata option, introducing the attribute directive NgModel to the hero detail component's local component scope.

ℹ️ Note
Importantly, components, directives, and pipes listed in Component.imports must be marked with the standalone: true metadata option available as Component.standalone, Directive.standalone, and Pipe.standalone.

The default setting for this metadata option is standalone: false as of Angular version 15, subject to future change depending on how well standalone declarables are received by the Angular ecosystem and community.

Inspecting the component template, we see the NgIf directive in use:

<div *ngIf="hero">
  <!-- Conditional content omitted -->

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Next, we see the UppercasePipe pipe being used in the template:

<h2>{{ | uppercase }} Details</h2>

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Finally, the Hero#name property is bound to a form control using two-way data binding with the NgModel directive:

placeholder="Hero name"

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Local component scope

In the dependency graph of the standalone hero detail component's local component scope, we see the relationship between our component and its declarable dependencies:

The local component scope of the standalone hero detail component

With the exception of the FormsModule, this closely matches the component template's indirect dependencies on declarables it uses:

The declarables used in the hero detail component's template

Indirect dependencies meaning that the component template uses the element selectors, attribute selectors, and pipe names specified in the Component.selector, Directive.selector, and metadata options of the component's declarable dependencies.

Transitive compilation scope

When we compare this to the transitive compilation scope of the declaring module of a classic Angular component, we notice an increased mental overhead in the classic Angular component style:

The transitive compilation scope of the classic hero detail module (simplified)

The HeroDetailModule and CommonModule introduce layers of indirection to the dependency graph. Instead of a direct dependency from the HeroDetailComponent to NgIf and UppercasePipe, there is no direct flow of dependencies between the HeroDetailComponent class and any of its declarable dependencies. This is caused by the HeroDetailModule referencing the HeroDetailComponent, not the other way around. Another indirection is the unnecessary CommonModule encapsulating the Angular declarables of which we only use 2 in the component template.

The classic Angular dependency graph does not match the component template's indirect dependencies on declarables it needs.

Imagine the logic needed by the Angular compiler to determine dependencies between classes and the maintenance it requires when significant changes are made to Angular, the TypeScript compiler, and other dependencies.

What's worse, the previous classic dependency graph is simplified. The full transitive compilation scope of the hero detail module is seen in this expanded classic dependency graph:

The transitive compilation scope of the classic hero detail module (expanded)

That's 52 declarables imported to the transitive compilation scope of which the component template uses only 3. Fifty-two.

Luckily for us, the Angular Development Kit's Build Optimizer tree shakes unused declarables from transitive compilation scopes and local component scopes. If that was not the case, our bundle would increase every time we imported an Angular module that exported more declarables than we were using in our component template.

This brings us to the next topic: Maintenance.

Maintaining declarable dependencies

Take another look at the previous expanded transitive compilation scope. As the codebase evolves, how do we keep the declarable dependencies in sync with the transitive compilation scope? How do we determine when our component template no longer uses any declarable from an Angular module exporting more than a dozen declarables.

This gets harder for every declared component in an Angular module and every non-SCAM module imported.

ℹ️ Note
It's time to convert SCAMs to standalone declarables. That was always their purpose, after all.

It's easier to scan a standalone component template and compare it to the imported standalone declarables listed in the Component.imports metadata option.


A standalone component has a local component scope consisting of its declarables dependencies which are listed in the Component.imports metadata option.

We must maintain the local component scope so that it matches the declarables used in the component template. We do this by comparing the standalone component template to the standalone declarables and Angular modules listed in the Component.imports metadata option, keeping them in sync.

Common declarables such as NgIf and UppercasePipe that are exported by CommonModule are now standalone declarables that can be referenced directly in the Component.imports metadata option.

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