Weekly 0074

Emanuele Bartolesi - Aug 26 - - Dev Community


Dedicated time to meticulously outline the comprehensive roadmap for Cloud Glow, my ambitious new side project. This venture is poised to rapidly evolve into my next full-fledged company in the near future. While I'm incredibly excited about its potential, I'm not embarking on this journey alone. I've partnered with a talented individual whose identity remains confidential for now. Together, we're laying the groundwork for something truly innovative, though the details are still under wraps. This strategic planning session was crucial in setting our trajectory and defining key milestones for Cloud Glow's development and launch.


After a considerable hiatus, I finally returned to the blogging sphere with a new post that delves into a critical issue facing startups today. The topic I chose to explore is the complex and often misunderstood concept of technical debt in early-stage startups. This subject is particularly relevant given the rapid pace of technological advancement and the pressure on startups to deliver quickly.

In my article, I take a deep dive into the nuances of technical debt, examining both its potential benefits and drawbacks for young companies. I discuss how, when managed strategically, technical debt can actually accelerate a startup's growth and market entry. However, I also caution about the long-term consequences of accumulating too much technical debt without a plan for addressing it.

The post, titled "Navigating Tech Debt in Early-Stage Startups: The Double-Edged Sword," can be found at: https://dev.to/this-is-learning/navigating-tech-debt-in-early-stage-startups-the-double-edged-sword-4fef

I'm excited to share these insights with the tech community and hope it sparks meaningful discussions about sustainable development practices in the startup ecosystem.

I've been grappling with a complex issue regarding our participation in the Microsoft for Startups program. Despite meeting all the necessary criteria for inclusion, we find ourselves inexplicably excluded from the program. This situation is particularly perplexing given our confidence in our eligibility.

In an effort to resolve this matter, I've made multiple attempts to reach out to the program administrators. Unfortunately, these communications have yielded no response or resolution thus far. The lack of progress and clarity on this issue is becoming increasingly worrisome.

As time passes without a resolution, my concern continues to grow. The benefits and opportunities provided by the Microsoft for Startups program are significant for our venture, and our current exclusion could potentially impact our growth trajectory and access to valuable resources. I'm committed to persisting in my efforts to rectify this situation, but the ongoing silence from the program's side is undeniably disconcerting.


Dedicated the morning to addressing various administrative tasks, including processing payments for suppliers and managing financial obligations. This meticulous attention to financial details ensures smooth operations and maintains positive relationships with our partners.

Conducted a thorough review of partner portals to determine the optimal choice for Brandplane. After careful consideration and evaluation of multiple options, we've successfully narrowed down our selection to a concise shortlist. This strategic approach will help us make an informed decision that aligns with our business needs and goals.

Engaged in a brainstorming session to conceptualize and document ideas for the upcoming "Projects" feature in Brandplane. This new functionality represents a significant evolution for our product, potentially revolutionizing how users interact with and benefit from our platform. To ensure a well-rounded perspective on this critical development, I've scheduled a call with the Product Owner on Friday to discuss these ideas in depth and align our vision for this feature.

Made a pivotal decision regarding the visual direction of our next project and product by selecting a website template on Webflow. This choice marks an important step forward in our development process, providing us with a solid foundation for creating an engaging and user-friendly online presence. The team's enthusiasm for this selection is palpable, as evidenced by the celebratory mood indicated by the smiley face emoticon. :)


Dedicated the morning to developing a comprehensive SEO strategy for the Brandplane website. This involved an in-depth consultation with our CMO and a specialized supplier who provided expert insights on current SEO best practices. Following this productive call, we collaboratively worked on reimagining and restructuring the website to optimize its search engine performance. Our focus was on improving site architecture, content relevance, and user experience to enhance our online visibility and attract more potential clients.

In the afternoon, I took some time to reflect on my professional journey and share my experiences with the tech community. This resulted in the publication of a detailed and personal blog post chronicling my 11-year tenure as a Microsoft MVP. The article not only highlights the milestones of this significant achievement but also delves into the challenges faced, lessons learned, and the immense gratitude I feel for the opportunities this role has provided. This piece serves as both a celebration of my career and an inspiration for aspiring tech professionals.


For our new secret side project, we made significant progress in establishing the foundational elements of our development infrastructure. After extensive discussions and careful consideration, we finalized the naming convention for the application versions. This standardization will ensure consistency and clarity throughout our development process, facilitating easier tracking and management of different iterations of our product.

Additionally, we defined the nomenclature for our various environments, including those designated for our initial customers and our future production setup. This strategic planning allows for a smooth transition between development stages and provides a clear roadmap for scaling our infrastructure as we grow.

Before diving into these crucial decisions, I took a pivotal step by activating our Azure subscription benefit. This valuable resource became available to us through our participation in the Microsoft Startups Founders Hub program. Leveraging this benefit not only provides us with powerful cloud computing capabilities but also signifies a milestone in our journey as a startup recognized by Microsoft. This activation sets the stage for robust and scalable development of our project moving forward.


Friday morning began with a burst of productivity focused on my new project. I created a fresh Webflow account, marking the initial step in establishing our online presence. After careful consideration, I invested in a new website template that perfectly aligns with our vision. The prospect of building our site on this foundation is truly exciting, and I'm confident it will result in a visually stunning and user-friendly platform.

Recognizing the importance of robust customer support from day one, I took the initiative to set up a Freshdesk account. This strategic move ensures we'll have a professional and efficient support system in place, ready to assist our users as soon as we launch. The implementation of Freshdesk demonstrates our commitment to providing excellent customer service, which I believe will be a key differentiator for our project.

Later in the day, I shifted gears to focus on Brandplane, participating in our Sprint Review. This crucial meeting allowed us to evaluate our progress, showcase completed work, and align on our next steps. The review provided valuable insights into our development trajectory and reinforced our team's collaborative spirit. It was particularly rewarding to see how our recent efforts have contributed to Brandplane's evolution.

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