With apps becoming more and more complex, frameworks are becoming commonplace as a foundation for apps. Frameworks will be more popular as users have increasing expectations about the products they use.
These are the frameworks to learn in 2020 to make yourself big bucks from job and gigs.
Best Backend Frameworks
Back end frameworks are the foundation of REST APIs. Almost all backend frameworks are MVC frameworks. The popular ones are definitely all MVC. In 2020, these are the ones to learn.
Express is the most popular backend framework for Node.js. It's fast, minimal, and unopinionated. It has a large ecosystem of middlewares and other add-ons to help us do common tasks like file upload, authentication, and more.
It's very easy to learn, but since it's unopinionated, everybody tends to structure Express projects their own way.
Django is a full-featured Python web framework for developing back end apps. It uses the convention over configuration paradigm made popular with Ruby on Rails. It has a built-in ORM for manipulating data and also lots of addons like the Django REST Framework for building REST APIs without hassle.
Common security features like XSS and CSRF prevention are also built into Django so we have more time to write code.
Rails are the framework that many modern MVC frameworks are modeled after. It's used by many big companies like Airbnb, Github, and Hulu. It's beginner-friendly as it does a lot for you by running a few commands.
The Ruby ecosystem has lots of libraries, which are called Gems, that are made for Rails. The only disadvantage if that customizing Rails app is hard because of the convention over configuration paradigm. It expects you to follow their convention or you'll have problems with customization.
Frontend Javascript Frameworks
With user interfaces becoming more and more complex, front end frameworks are also catching steam in the developer ecosystem. Here are the most popular ones you should learn if you want to make top dollar.
Most popular front-end frameworks use the component-based architecture.
Angular is a front-end framework that's made by Google. It's used in their own products and are also popular with enterprises. It uses TypeScript, which is a natural extension to JavaScript that let us add types to our apps to prevent errors.
In addition to Google, Paypal and Microsoft also use it.
React is a popular front-end library used by Facebook. Its adoption is widespread for building rich UIs. It makes building them a breeze with its JSX syntax. It can be used on both server-side and client-side and has a large ecosystem of developers and libraries that can help us build user interfaces even faster.
Vue is becoming more and more popular. It's the up-and-coming web framework that is gaining support by developers because of its ease of use. Many people find it easier to get started than React and Angular.
Also, its ecosystem of libraries is big. Its ecosystem is as big as Angular and React. Another advantage is that it can be added with a script tag, and libraries made for it can be done the same. This makes it a natural choice for enhancing legacy apps with new functionality. The Vue CLI supports TypeScript, testing, and other goodies out of the box, and it's an easy way to scaffold a project.
Like Angular and React, it uses the component architecture.
These frameworks are enjoyable to develop with and you can earn big bucks using them. Therefore, if you haven't learn them already, it's time to get proficient with them so you'll get hired to produce web apps in an enjoyable way.