Simple Way to Make Friends When You Work Remote

John Au-Yeung - Jan 29 '20 - - Dev Community

With more people working remotely, people are becoming more isolated than ever.

People work in their own locations away from their peers if they have any.

One good thing about the office is that we can make some friends from people at work.

How do we do the same thing working remotely?

We have to learn how to make friends digitally.

According to Harvard Business Review, 50 percent of remote workers work in a cadence.

This means that they work at similar times each day, which is good because it helps people make friends even though they work remotely.

They go online at the same time and can talk via meetings and messages. Since people work at similar times, they can find each other easier.

If we want to make friends, we can do the same thing.

We have to be a reliable work partner and when you're working, look at your messages, emails, and don't miss any meetings.

Once you talk, you'll have friends in no time no matter if you're working in-person or remotely.

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