Common Dotnet Tips and Tricks

varma36a - Jun 13 '23 - - Dev Community


In ASP.Net web forms if you are adding a server contorl like

<asp:Label ID="lblEmail" runat="server" Text="Email"></asp:Label>

If the code is not autogenerated, try with designer view and add from there and refresh the screen

Tip 2

Change the Port Number in Project Web if the port is already running or using by the other IIS process

Delete .vs

Intellisense not working

In Visual Studio:

Click Tools->Options->Text Editor->All Languages->General
Uncheck "Auto list members"
Uncheck "Parameter information"
Check "Auto list members" (yes, the one you just unchecked)
Check "Parameter information" (again, the one you just unchecked)
Click OK
If this doesn't work, here's a few more steps to try:

Close all VS documents and reopen
If still not working, close/reopen solution
If still not working, restart VS.
For C++ projects:
MSDN has a few things to try: MSDN suggestions

The corrupt .ncb file seems most likely.

From MSDN:

Close the solution.
Delete the .ncb file.
Reopen the solution. (This creates a new .ncb file.)

Tested in VS 2013/2015
Logging possible causes:

Copy/pasting controls in a source page. I found that my designer.vb file didn't update from this, either.
Copy/pasting code from another page that caused an error because the code copied referred to a control that wasn't on the page I was pasting to.
C++ project has corrupt .ncb file
(Please add to comments if you notice behavior that causes this.)

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