InterView Questions - UI

varma36a - Dec 6 '23 - - Dev Community

Q) 1. console.log(null == null);  true

  1. console.log(undefined == undefined);  true
  2. console.log(null == undefined);  true
  3. console.log(null === undefined); false
  4. console.log(0 == undefined);  false
  5. console.log('' == undefined); true
  6. console.log(false == undefined); false

what is Context API in react

The Context API in React is a mechanism that allows components to share values, such as state or functions, without the need to pass props through each level of the component tree. It's a way to manage global state in a React application.

Here are the key concepts related to the Context API:

React.createContext Method:

The React.createContext method creates a context object. This object comes with a Provider component and a Consumer component.

const MyContext = React.createContext();

Provider Component:

The Provider component is used to wrap a portion of your component tree and "provide" the context value to all components within that tree.

<MyContext.Provider value={/* some value */}>
  {/* Components inside here can access the context value */}

Consumer Component:

The Consumer component is used to consume the context value within a functional component.

  {value => /* render something based on the context value */}

useContext Hook:

The useContext hook is another way to consume the context value within functional components. It's a more concise alternative to the Consumer component.

const value = useContext(MyContext);

Using the Context API can be beneficial in scenarios where you have deeply nested components that need access to certain values without having to pass props through each level. It helps avoid prop-drilling and makes state management more centralized.

Here's a simple example:

// Create a context
const MyContext = React.createContext();

// Create a provider component
function MyProvider({ children }) {
  const sharedValue = 'Hello from Context!';

  return (
    <MyContext.Provider value={sharedValue}>

// Use the context in a consumer component
function MyConsumerComponent() {
  const value = useContext(MyContext);

  return <p>{value}</p>;

// Use the provider to wrap your app
function App() {
  return (
      <MyConsumerComponent />

In this example, MyConsumerComponent can access the value provided by the MyProvider without needing to pass it explicitly through props.

null == undefined is true or false in javascript
In JavaScript, null == undefined is true. This is because, in loose equality comparison (==), null and undefined are considered equal without type coercion. However, it's generally recommended to use strict equality (===) in JavaScript, which checks both value and type, to avoid unexpected behavior. Using strict equality, null === undefined would be false because they are of different types.

null === undefined is true or false
In JavaScript, null === undefined is false. The strict equality operator (===) checks both value and type, and null and undefined are of different types. While they are loosely equal (null == undefined is true), they are not strictly equal (null === undefined is false).

null == null true or false
In JavaScript, null == null is true. When using the loose equality operator (==), both sides of the comparison are considered equal if they are both null. This is because loose equality performs type coercion, and in this case, null is considered equal to itself.

undefined == undefined
In JavaScript, undefined == undefined is true. Similar to null, when using the loose equality operator (==), both sides of the comparison are considered equal if they are both undefined. This is because loose equality performs type coercion, and in this case, undefined is considered equal to itself.

'' == undefined
In JavaScript, '' == undefined is true when using the loose equality operator (==). This is because the loose equality operator performs type coercion, and an empty string ('') is coerced to undefined in this comparison.

It's generally recommended to use strict equality (===) to avoid unintended type coercions. With strict equality, '' === undefined would be false since they are of different types.

'0' == undefined
In JavaScript, '0' == undefined is false. The loose equality operator (==) performs type coercion, and in this case, the string '0' is not coerced to undefined. When comparing a string to undefined, they are considered different types, and the result is false.

It's worth noting that using the strict equality operator (===) is generally preferred to avoid unexpected type coercions. With strict equality, '0' === undefined would also be false.

false == undefined
In JavaScript, false == undefined is false. The loose equality operator (==) performs type coercion, but false and undefined are different types. When comparing a boolean value to undefined using loose equality, the result is false.

It's important to note that using the strict equality operator (===) is generally recommended to avoid unintended type coercions. With strict equality, false === undefined would be false since they are of different types.`

In JavaScript, var, let, and const are used to declare variables, but they have different scoping rules and behaviors. Here are examples illustrating the use of each:


Variables declared with var are function-scoped. They are not block-scoped like let and const.
var declarations are hoisted to the top of the function or global scope.

function exampleVar() {
  if (true) {
    var x = 10;
  console.log(x); // 10 (variable is accessible outside the block)


Variables declared with let are block-scoped. They are limited to the block, statement, or expression in which they are used.
let variables are not hoisted to the top of the block.
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function exampleLet() {
  if (true) {
    let y = 20;
  // console.log(y); // Error: y is not defined (not accessible outside the block)


Variables declared with const are block-scoped, just like let.
The value of a const variable cannot be reassigned once it has been assigned.
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function exampleConst() {
  const z = 30;
  // z = 40; // Error: Assignment to a constant variable

Note that when const is used with objects or arrays, the variable itself cannot be reassigned, but the properties or elements of the object or array can be modified.
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function exampleConstObject() {
  const person = {
    name: 'John',
    age: 25,
  person.age = 26; // Valid, because we're modifying the object, not reassigning person
  // person = {}; // Error: Assignment to a constant variable

In modern JavaScript development, it's generally recommended to use let and const over var due to their block-scoping behavior and reduced likelihood of unexpected issues. Use const when the variable's value will not change, and use let otherwise.

difference between margin and padding in css
In CSS, margin and padding are two properties used for spacing and positioning elements, but they have different purposes:


Definition: Margins are the space outside of an element. They create space around the element, pushing other elements away.
Usage: You use margin to control the spacing between the element and its surrounding elements.
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div {
  margin: 10px;

This will add a margin of 10 pixels around all sides of the div element.

Definition: Padding is the space inside an element. It creates space within the element, separating the content from the border.
Usage: You use padding to control the spacing between the element's content and its border.
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div {
  padding: 10px;

This will add padding of 10 pixels within all sides of the div element.
Visual Representation:

Consider a box representing an element:

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| Margin |
| |-----------------| |
| | Border | |
| | |-------------| | |
| | | Padding | | |
| | | | | |
| | | Content | | |
| | | | | |
| | |-------------| | |
| |-----------------| |
Margin: The space outside the border.
Border: The border of the element.
Padding: The space between the content and the border.
Content: The actual content of the element.
In summary, margin controls the space around the element, while padding controls the space within the element.

import React from 'react';

const MyComponent = () => {
  const data = [
    { id: 1, name: 'John', age: 25 },
    { id: 2, name: 'Jane', age: 30 },
    { id: 3, name: 'Bob', age: null },
    // ... more data

  // Example: Filter users with age greater than 25 and age is not null
  const filteredData = data.filter(item => item.age !== null && item.age > 25);

  return (
      <h1>Filtered Data</h1>
        { => (
          <li key={}>{`${} - ${item.age} years old`}</li>

export default MyComponent;

when do we pick azure funcctions vs kubernetes
The choice between Azure Functions and Kubernetes depends on your specific application, use case, and requirements. Both technologies serve different purposes and have their own advantages and limitations. Here are some factors to consider when deciding between Azure Functions and Kubernetes:

Azure Functions:

Serverless Architecture: Azure Functions is a serverless compute service. It abstracts away infrastructure management, allowing you to focus solely on your code. It automatically scales based on demand, reducing operational overhead.

Event-Driven: Azure Functions are well-suited for event-driven, stateless, and short-lived workloads. They can be triggered by various events, such as HTTP requests, message queues, database changes, and timers.

Cost-Efficient: With serverless, you pay only for the resources used during execution. There is no need to provision or manage servers, making it cost-efficient for sporadic workloads.

Quick Development: Azure Functions enables rapid development and deployment. You can write code in various languages, including C#, JavaScript, Python, and more.

Integrations: It offers built-in integrations with various Azure services, simplifying development of cloud-native applications.

Scalability: Functions can auto-scale in response to increased load, ensuring that your application remains performant.


Container Orchestration: Kubernetes is a container orchestration platform. It provides a more general-purpose solution for deploying and managing containerized applications.

Control and Customization: Kubernetes offers more control over the underlying infrastructure and is highly customizable. It can be used to deploy complex, stateful applications.

Portability: Kubernetes is not tied to a specific cloud provider and can be used in multi-cloud or hybrid cloud environments. It provides more flexibility in terms of where you run your applications.

Long-Running Workloads: Kubernetes is designed for long-running, stateful, and complex applications. It can manage microservices that need to communicate with one another.

Resource Intensive: If your application requires consistent, high resource utilization, Kubernetes provides the control to allocate resources as needed.

Ecosystem: Kubernetes has a rich ecosystem of tools and extensions for monitoring, logging, and CI/CD, making it suitable for more extensive DevOps pipelines.

In summary, you might choose Azure Functions when you need to quickly develop and deploy small, event-driven functions without worrying about infrastructure management. On the other hand, Kubernetes is a better fit for complex applications, long-running workloads, and scenarios where you need fine-grained control over the infrastructure and the ability to deploy containers across different environments. Often, organizations use both technologies to address different parts of their application landscape.

default props declare on react component latest
In modern versions of React (React 16.3 and later), defining default props for a functional component is often done using the defaultProps property, which is set on the component function. Here's how you can declare default props for a functional component in the latest versions of React:

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import React from 'react';

function MyComponent(props) {
  // Use the props as needed
  return (

MyComponent.defaultProps = {
  text: 'Default Text',

export default MyComponent;

event loop in javascript with detail explanation
The event loop in JavaScript is a crucial concept that underlies the asynchronous and non-blocking nature of JavaScript. It allows JavaScript to efficiently handle events, callbacks, and asynchronous operations without blocking the main execution thread. Here's a detailed explanation of the event loop in JavaScript:

Call Stack:

JavaScript maintains a call stack, which is a data structure for tracking the execution of functions. When a function is called, it's added to the top of the stack.
The call stack operates in a Last-In-First-Out (LIFO) order, meaning the last function added is the first to be executed.

The heap is a memory space where objects, variables, and closures are allocated.
Callback Queue (Task Queue):

The callback queue, often referred to as the task queue, is where asynchronous events and their associated callback functions are placed.
Events can include user interactions (e.g., clicks), timer expirations (e.g., setTimeout or setInterval), and I/O operations (e.g., AJAX requests).
Event Loop:

The event loop is a continuous process that monitors the call stack and the callback queue.
It checks whether the call stack is empty and whether there are any pending tasks in the callback queue.
Event Loop Phases:

The event loop consists of multiple phases, such as the timer phase, poll phase, check phase, close callbacks, etc. Each phase processes specific types of tasks.
Timer Phase:

In the timer phase, timers (created using setTimeout and setInterval) that have expired are moved from the timer phase to the callback queue.
Poll Phase:

The poll phase is responsible for handling I/O operations. It checks for completed I/O operations and adds corresponding callbacks to the callback queue.
Microtasks Queue (Job Queue):

Microtasks are tasks with higher priority than regular tasks. They are executed at the end of each callback phase.
Promises and the process.nextTick function are examples of microtasks.
Microtasks are executed before the next callback in the callback queue.
Callback Execution:

When the call stack is empty, the event loop dequeues tasks from the callback queue and pushes them onto the call stack for execution.
The callback functions are executed in the order they were added to the callback queue.

Promises have a special role in the event loop. Their .then and .catch handlers are executed as microtasks.
This means that promise handlers are executed before the next tick of the event loop.

The event loop continuously repeats the process, checking for an empty call stack and pending tasks in the callback queue.
Blocking Operations:

Long-running, synchronous operations can block the event loop, leading to unresponsiveness in web applications. It's crucial to avoid blocking the main thread.
In summary, the event loop is responsible for managing the execution of JavaScript code, especially in cases where asynchronous events, timers, or I/O operations are involved. Understanding how the event loop works is essential for writing efficient and non-blocking JavaScript code.

difference between inline,block and inline-block in css
In CSS, display is a property that determines the layout behavior of an element. The values inline, block, and inline-block are three commonly used display values, each with different layout characteristics.

display: inline:

Elements with display: inline do not start on a new line. They flow in the content from left to right and only take up as much width as necessary.
Inline elements ignore the width and height properties. Margins and padding can be applied horizontally but not vertically.
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span {
display: inline;
display: block:

Elements with display: block start on a new line and take up the full available width. They extend the entire width of their container, by default.
Block elements respect the width, height, margin, and padding properties both horizontally and vertically.
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div {
display: block;
display: inline-block:

Elements with display: inline-block are placed inline, but they behave as block elements regarding their dimensions. They flow in the content from left to right and can have specified width, height, margins, and padding.
inline-block is useful when you want an element to be a block-level box, but still participate in inline flow.
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div {
display: inline-block;
Here's a simple example illustrating the differences:


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<!DOCTYPE html>

span {<br>
display: inline;<br>
border: 1px solid red;<br>
padding: 5px;<br>
<div class="highlight"><pre class="highlight plaintext"><code> div {
display: block;
border: 1px solid blue;
padding: 10px;
margin-bottom: 10px;
p {
    display: inline-block;
    border: 1px solid green;
    padding: 15px;
    margin-bottom: 10px;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

In this example, you&#39;ll see how inline, block, and inline-block elements behave differently regarding their layout characteristics.</p>

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