(VB .NET) A Method for Search Values in Several Fields of Entity Framework DataTable

vblover programmer - Aug 19 - - Dev Community

A Method for Search Values in Several Fields of DataTable by UserAccount Filter for Entity Framework


Public DataEntity As New KeyStoreEntities
Function SearchFor(Of T)(value As String, ParamArray Fields() As String) As Objects.ObjectQuery(Of T)
        Dim UserAccountParam As New Objects.ObjectParameter("UserAccount", UserAccount.ToLower)
        Dim SearchValueParam As New Objects.ObjectParameter("Value", "%" + value + "%")

        Dim QueryString As String = String.Format("SELECT VALUE {0} FROM {0} WHERE ({0}.UserAccount = @UserAccount)",
        For Each Field As String In Fields
            Dim Operate As String = If(Array.IndexOf(Fields, Field) = 0, "AND", "OR")
            QueryString += String.Format(" {0} {1}.{2} LIKE @Value", Operate, GetType(T).Name, Field)
        Return DataEntity.CreateQuery(Of T)(QueryString, UserAccountParam, SearchValueParam)
    End Function
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KeyStoreEntities Is Type of Database (in Entity Framework)


Dim ListItems As Objects.ObjectQuery(Of Websites) =
                            SearchFor(Of Websites)(UserAccount, Me.ToolStripTextBox1.Text, "Title", "Address", "MailBox",
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Websites is Type of Table (in Entity Framework)

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