victor wangari - Jun 18 - - Dev Community

*What is flask *
Flask is micro web framework written in python.
It is designed to be lightweight and easy to use, providing the essential tools needed to build web applications, while allowing developers the flexibility to add additional libraries and tools as required.

Key Features of Flask
1.Simplicity and flexibility:Flask is simple to set up and use. It gives developers the freedom to choose the components they want to use, making it flexible for a wide range of applications.

2.Lightweight:As a micro-framework, Flask comes with a small core and essential functionalities. Additional features can be added using extensions.

3.Modular Design:Flask's modular design allows for the inclusion of extensions for added functionality, such as database integration, form validation, and authentication.

4.Built-in Development Server and Debugger: Flask includes a built-in development server and a debugger, which help developers test and debug their applications.

5.Jinja2 Templating: Flask uses Jinja2 templating engine, which enables developers to use templates to dynamically generate HTML.

6.RESTful Request Dispatching:Flask supports RESTful request dispatching, making it a good choice for developing APIs.

7.WSGI Compliance:Flask is WSGI compliant, which means it can be deployed on any WSGI-compatible web server.

Common Extensions used in flask
Flask does not come with many built-in features but relies on extensions to provide additional functionality. Some popular Flask extensions include:
.Flask-SQLAlchemy:Adds SQLAlchemy support for the database operations.
Flask-WTF:Integrates WTForms for form handling and validations.
Flask-Login:Manages users session and authentication.
Flask-Migrate:Handles database migrations using Alembic.

to be continued....

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