Demystifying C# Data Structures: A Veteran Developer's Guide

waelhabbal - Jul 8 - - Dev Community

Greetings, fellow coders! In the ever-evolving realm of C#, choosing the right data structure can feel like navigating a labyrinth. Fear not, for I, a seasoned developer with countless lines of code under my belt, am here to illuminate the intricacies of classes, structs, records, readonly structs, and readonly ref structs. Buckle up, and prepare to have your understanding of C# data structures reach new heights!

The Classic Contender: The Class

Ah, the class – the cornerstone of object-oriented programming. Classes are like blueprints, defining the properties (data) and methods (behaviors) that objects of that class will possess. Think of them as blueprints for houses: you define the rooms (properties) and what happens in those rooms (methods), and then you can create multiple houses (objects) based on that blueprint.

Real-World Use Case: Imagine a Customer class. It would have properties like Name, Address, and Email, and methods like PlaceOrder and UpdateProfile. Each Customer object would then hold specific information for a particular customer.

When to Choose a Class:

  • When you need inheritance – classes can inherit properties and methods from other classes, promoting code reuse.
  • When you need reference semantics – classes are stored on the heap, meaning changes to one object don't affect others (unlike structs, which we'll discuss next).
  • When you need complex behavior – classes excel at encapsulating data and logic, making them ideal for representing real-world entities.

The Lightweight Champion: The Struct

Structs are value types, meaning they hold their data directly within the variable itself. Think of them as self-contained units, like coins in your pocket. Unlike classes, structs live on the stack, a faster-access memory region.

Real-World Use Case: A Point struct could hold X and Y coordinates, perfect for representing a point in 2D space.

When to Choose a Struct:

  • When you need small, efficient data containers – structs are ideal for simple data like points, colors, or coordinates.
  • When you need value semantics – changes to one struct variable don't affect others, as they're separate copies.
  • When performance is critical – stack allocation for structs can be faster than heap allocation for classes.

The New Kid on the Block: The Record

C# 9 introduced records, a game-changer for value types. Records combine the best of both worlds: they offer value semantics like structs but come with built-in functionality for equality comparison, immutability (by default), and deconstruction. It's like having a pre-packaged value type with all the bells and whistles!

Real-World Use Case: A Person record could hold Name, Age, and a calculated IsAdult property. Records are perfect for immutable data that needs these built-in features.

When to Choose a Record:

  • When you need value semantics with built-in functionality – records provide a clean and efficient way to handle data that doesn't need to change.
  • When you want immutability by default – records are immutable unless you explicitly define setters.
  • When you need deconstruction – records provide a convenient way to unpack their properties into variables.

The Efficiency Enhancer: The Readonly Struct

Readonly structs are a variation of structs specifically designed for scenarios where you know the data won't change after initialization. They offer the same benefits as structs (value semantics, stack allocation) but prevent accidental modifications.

Real-World Use Case: A Rectangle struct could be marked as readonly, ensuring its dimensions remain fixed after creation.

When to Choose a Readonly Struct:

  • When you have data that shouldn't be modified after creation – readonly structs enforce immutability, preventing unintended side effects.
  • When you want to optimize performance – readonly structs avoid the overhead of checking for modifications, potentially leading to slight performance gains.

The Speedy Specialist: The Readonly Ref Struct

Readonly ref structs, introduced in C# 7.2, are a powerful but niche concept. They offer the benefits of readonly structs (value semantics, immutability) with the ability to be passed to functions by reference. This can be particularly useful for performance-critical scenarios where avoiding unnecessary copies is paramount.

Real-World Use Case: A large Matrix struct could be marked as readonly ref, allowing functions to operate on the data directly without creating copies, potentially improving performance.

When to Choose a Readonly Ref Struct:

  • When you need to pass large, immutable data by reference – readonly ref structs provide a way to avoid copying while maintaining immutability.
  • When performance is absolutely critical – understanding the intricacies of readonly ref
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