Records in C#: A Deep Dive

waelhabbal - Jul 17 - - Dev Community

Understanding Records

Introduced in C# 9, records provide a concise and immutable syntax for creating data-oriented types. Unlike classes, records are primarily focused on data encapsulation rather than behavior. They offer a powerful mechanism for modeling entities with well-defined properties.

Record vs. Record Struct

At their core, records and record structs share similar syntax and immutability. However, they differ significantly in terms of value semantics and memory management:

  • Record Struct: Represents a value type, similar to structs. Each instance occupies its own memory space, and assignments create copies. They are ideal for small, immutable data structures.
  • Record: Represents a reference type, similar to classes. Instances share a reference, and assignments create aliases. They are suitable for larger, complex data structures.

Readonly Record and Ref Readonly Record

To further refine the behavior of records, C# provides two additional modifiers:

  • Readonly Record: Guarantees that the record instance itself cannot be modified after creation. However, its properties can still be mutable if they are reference types.
  • Ref Readonly Record: Ensures both the record instance and its properties are immutable. This provides the highest level of immutability.

Implementation Details: IL Perspective

Under the hood, records and record structs are compiled into IL (Intermediate Language) with distinct characteristics:

  • Record Structs: Compiled as value types, similar to regular structs. They support value semantics and are directly inlined in method calls for performance optimization.
  • Records: Compiled as reference types, similar to classes. They have additional metadata to support equality, deconstruction, and other record-specific features.

Real-World Use Cases

  • Record Structs:
    • Small, immutable data structures like points, vectors, colors.
    • Performance-critical calculations where value semantics are essential.
  • Records:
    • Complex data models with hierarchical relationships.
    • Immutable domain entities in DDD (Domain-Driven Design).
    • Configuration objects.
  • Readonly Records:
    • Immutable configuration settings.
    • Data transfer objects (DTOs) to prevent accidental modifications.
  • Ref Readonly Records:
    • Immutable data structures shared across threads without synchronization.
    • High-performance computations where immutability is critical.

Key Considerations

  • Performance: Record structs generally offer better performance due to value semantics and inlining.
  • Immutability: Readonly and ref readonly records provide varying levels of immutability based on your requirements.
  • Memory Usage: Record structs are more memory-efficient due to value semantics.
  • Complexity: Records offer more features and flexibility compared to record structs.

Specific Use Cases for Records and Record Structs

Record Structs: Ideal for Value Types

  • Geometry:

    • Points, vectors, and other geometric primitives are excellent candidates for record structs due to their value semantics and performance implications.
    • Example:
    public record struct Point(double X, double Y);
  • Color Representations:

    • RGB, HSV, or CMYK color models can be efficiently represented as record structs.
    • Example:
    public record struct Color(byte R, byte G, byte B);
  • Immutable Data Transfer Objects (DTOs):

    • For small, immutable data structures passed between components, record structs can be used to enhance performance.
    • Example:
    public record struct Address(string Street, string City, string ZipCode);

Records: Ideal for Reference Types

  • Domain Models:

    • In Domain-Driven Design (DDD), records can represent entities and value objects effectively.
    • Example:
    public record Order(int OrderId, DateTime OrderDate, List<OrderItem> Items);
  • Configuration Objects:

    • Records can be used to encapsulate application settings with immutability.
    • Example:
    public record AppSettings(string ConnectionString, int MaxConnections);
  • Immutable Data Transfer Objects (DTOs):

    • For larger, complex data structures, records provide a suitable option.
    • Example:
    public record Customer(int CustomerId, string Name, Address Address);
  • Event Sourcing:

    • Records can represent events in an event-sourced system, ensuring immutability.
    • Example:
    public record OrderPlaced(int OrderId, decimal Total);

Readonly Records: Enforcing Immutability

  • Configuration Objects:

    • To prevent accidental modifications to configuration settings.
    • Example:
    public readonly record AppSettings(string ConnectionString, int MaxConnections);
  • DTO Contracts:

    • To ensure that data transferred between components remains unchanged.
    • Example:
    public readonly record CustomerDto(int Id, string Name);

Ref Readonly Records: Ultimate Immutability

  • Shared Immutable Data:

    • For scenarios where data needs to be shared across threads without synchronization, ref readonly records provide a safe and efficient option.
    • Example:
    public ref readonly record struct Point(double X, double Y);


  • Choose record structs for small, value-type-like data structures where performance is critical.
  • Use records for reference type-like data structures with richer behavior.
  • Employ readonly and ref readonly modifiers for specific immutability requirements.

By carefully considering these use cases and the underlying characteristics of records and record structs, you can make informed decisions about their application in your C# code.

Specific Scenarios and Challenges with Records

Complex Data Structures and Immutability

  • Deeply nested records: When dealing with complex hierarchical data structures, using records can become challenging due to the inherent immutability. Consider using a combination of records and mutable collections within them for flexibility.
    • Example: A Product record with a List<Review> property. The Product itself is immutable, but the List<Review> can be modified.
  • Performance implications: While immutability offers benefits, it can impact performance in certain scenarios, especially when creating new instances frequently. Consider using with expressions for efficient updates.

    • Example: Updating a Product's price:
    var updatedProduct = product with { Price = newPrice };

Inheritance and Polymorphism

  • Record inheritance limitations: Unlike classes, records have limited inheritance capabilities. Consider using interfaces or composition for achieving polymorphic behavior.
    • Example: Using interfaces to define common properties and methods for different record types.
  • Virtual methods and overrides: Records cannot have virtual methods, which can restrict certain design patterns. Explore alternative approaches like interfaces or extension methods.

Equality and Comparison

  • Custom equality logic: While records provide default equality based on property values, you might need to implement custom equality logic in specific cases.
    • Example: Implementing IEquatable<T> for custom comparison logic.
  • Performance considerations: Be aware of potential performance implications when comparing complex record instances. Consider using IEquatable<T> and optimizing equality checks.

Null Reference Exceptions

  • Null propagation operator: Use the null-conditional operator (?.), null-coalescing operator (??), and null-conditional member access (?.Member) to handle potential null values gracefully.
    • Example: customer?.Address?.City

Serialization and Deserialization

  • Custom serialization: For complex record structures, custom serialization might be required to control the serialization process.
    • Example: Implementing ISerializable or using a custom JSON converter.

When to Avoid Records

  • Performance-critical scenarios: If performance is paramount and frequent object creation is a bottleneck, consider using structs or value types instead of records.
  • Mutable state: If the data model requires frequent modifications, records might not be the best fit. Consider using mutable classes or structs.

Best Practices

  • Use records for data-centric types with immutable properties.
  • Consider using record structs for small, value-type-like data structures.
  • Leverage with expressions for efficient updates.
  • Be mindful of performance implications when creating numerous record instances.
  • Implement custom equality logic when necessary.
  • Handle null references carefully.
  • Test your record-based code thoroughly.


Records and record structs are powerful additions to the C# language, providing a concise and efficient way to model data. By understanding the differences between them and the available modifiers, you can make informed decisions about when to use each type in your applications.

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