Who thought of comparing Blazor vs. React?

Zoltan Fehervari - Jun 18 - - Dev Community

I have. So here we go:

When comparing Blazor and React, it’s crucial to consider performance, the study aspect and the support it gets. This is a summary but reading a lot more enhanced analysis make is you better — -> look at what I have just linked earlier.

Blazor Overview

Blazor, developed by Microsoft, allows developers to use C# and HTML to build web user interfaces. It supports both client-side applications via WebAssembly and server-side applications with ASP.NET!

Key Features of Blazor

  • Uses C# and HTML.
  • Supports client-side and server-side applications.
  • Leverages latest web standards without needing additional plugins.
  • Facilitates easy sharing of libraries and code.

Blazor Present State and Features

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React Overview

React, developed by Facebook, is a widely used JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It promotes a component-based architecture using JSX, combining HTML and JavaScript.

Key Features of React

  • JSX: Combines HTML-like code within JavaScript.
  • Virtual DOM: Efficient rendering and updates.
  • Server-side Rendering: Improves load times and SEO.
  • Strong Ecosystem: Extensive libraries, tools, and community support.

Performance Comparison: Blazor vs. React

Initial Load Times

React: Faster due to its lightweight library.
Blazor WebAssembly: Larger download sizes can result in longer load times.

Browser Compatibility

React: Broader compatibility across browsers.
Blazor WebAssembly: Limited by WebAssembly support.

Computational Performance

Blazor WebAssembly: Near-native performance for intensive tasks.
React: May face limitations in complex calculations.

Data Handling and Rendering

React: Efficient updates with virtual DOM.
Blazor: Server-side prerendering and virtualization enhance data handling.

Use Cases and Suitability


Ideal for .NET developers and projects relying on the .NET ecosystem.
Suitable for real-time applications with SignalR integration and offline capabilities.


Widely used for large-scale applications and JavaScript-based projects.
Suitable for projects requiring server-side rendering and modular codebase.

What’s the support behind it?


  • Large, established community with extensive libraries and tools.
  • Regular updates and improvements.


  • Growing, active community.
  • Regular updates from Microsoft and community contributions.

How hard is it to learn?


  • Easier for .NET and C# developers due to familiarity.
  • Smooth transition from backend to web development.


  • Requires learning JSX and component-based architecture.
  • Flexible and efficient once familiar with concepts.


Blazor and React offer unique advantages for different use cases. Blazor is best for .NET and C# developers, while React suits JavaScript-based projects and large-scale applications.

Framework Comparison

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