Why Rust?

Zoltan Fehervari - Jun 6 - - Dev Community

2D, 3D and more? These are Rust Game Engines.

Why Choose Rust?

Rust, originally developed by Mozilla and now maintained by an active open-source community, is a low-level programming language that offers exceptional control over hardware and performance. Its standout feature is memory safety, achieved through an ownership and borrowing system that eliminates the need for a garbage collector. This makes Rust an excellent choice for game development, ensuring high performance and stability without memory leaks.

Rust in Game Development

The Rust game engines' popularity in game development is due to its speed, safety, and efficient memory management. These attributes are vital for creating high-performance games with robust code, minimizing bugs and crashes. Rust’s low-level control enables optimized code, essential for smooth gameplay and impressive graphics.


Top Rust Game Engines



Features: Multi-threading, data-oriented design, high-level API, ECS architecture.
Strengths: Excellent for graphics, audio, input handling, and performance optimization.


Features: Lightweight, user-friendly, modular design.
Strengths: Ease of use, fast performance, strong community support.

Features: Advanced 3D graphics, high-performance rendering, efficient memory management.
Strengths: Ideal for visually stunning games and advanced rendering techniques.


Features: Modular design, low-level API.
Strengths: Highly customizable, active community, simplicity for 2D games.


Features: Creative coding, multimedia experiences.
Strengths: Cross-platform support, ideal for artistic and multimedia projects.

2D Game Engines in Rust


Uses ECS architecture and offers tools for graphics, audio, and input handling.


Lightweight and built on SDL2, perfect for beginners due to its simplicity.


Highly customizable with a low-level API, suitable for developers with specific requirements.

3D Game Engines in Rust


Supports physics simulation, networking, and procedural generation.


Focuses on advanced 3D graphics and rendering capabilities.


Offers simplicity and flexibility with a clean syntax, suitable for various projects.


Primarily for 2D, but supports simple 3D development.


Modular with support for both 2D and 3D development, including a built-in game editor.

Rust Game Engine Libraries and Frameworks

Graphics: Gfx provides low-level rendering control.
Input Handling: Gilrs offers a unified interface for input events.
Audio: Rodio simplifies sound playback; CPAL allows for advanced audio stream manipulation.
Physics: NPhysics and Rapier provide tools for simulating physical phenomena.

Advantages of Using Rust Game Engines

Speed: Low-level control allows for optimized performance.
Memory Safety: Prevents common errors like null pointers.
Low-Level Control: Customizable for specific hardware configurations.
Concurrency: Efficiently handles multiple tasks, making games scalable.

Getting Started with Rust Game Engines

Install Rust: Follow the installation guide on the official Rust website.
Select an Engine: Choose based on your project needs (e.g., Amethyst, Piston, GGEZ).
Set Up the Engine: Follow the installation instructions and consult documentation.
Start Coding: Utilize Rust’s low-level control and concurrency features.
Test and Deploy: Ensure your game runs smoothly across platforms.

Case Studies


Genre: Open-world RPG
Description: Uses Amethyst, featuring procedurally generated worlds and multiplayer gameplay.


Genre: City-building simulator
Description: Built entirely in Rust, showcasing complex simulations.

Disruptor Beam

Genre: Mobile games
Description: Uses Rust for memory safety and performance in mobile game development.

These examples highlight the potential of Rust game engines to create high-performance, stable, and visually impressive games.

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