Laravel package for every project

Ariel Mejia - Jul 8 '21 - - Dev Community

Here a list of packages that I use/suggest for every Laravel project:

Laravel Ide Helper

composer require --dev barryvdh/laravel-ide-helper
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Laravel Debugbar

composer require barryvdh/laravel-debugbar --dev
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Laravel Jetstream (Teams feature is very useful but not mandatory for all the projects)

composer require laravel/jetstream
php artisan jetstream:install inertia --teams
npm install
npm run dev
php artisan migrate
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Laravel Query Builder

composer require spatie/laravel-query-builder
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PHP Code Standards Fixer

$ composer global require friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer
vendor/bin/php-cs-fixer fix
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PHP Insights

composer require nunomaduro/phpinsights --dev
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="NunoMaduro\PhpInsights\Application\Adapters\Laravel\InsightsServiceProvider"
php artisan insights
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composer require spatie/laravel-ray --dev
php artisan ray:publish-config
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Laravel Macro IDE

Add the package as a dev dependency

"tutorigo/laravel-ide-macros": "*"
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On terminal

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Tutorigo\LaravelMacroHelper\IdeMacrosServiceProvider"
php artisan ide-helper:macros
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Those are the most useful packages to work on almost every project.

If you like to use PHPInsights or PHP-CS-Fixer there is a reading list about "Laravel profesional setup" that would guide you to customize this packages behavior with a lot of detail.

Thanks for reading

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