Reactivity with Vuejs

Ariel Mejia - Jun 20 '20 - - Dev Community


I have a component with data function that returns an object:

data() => ({
    car: {}
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Car is an empty string, then I want to add values by some interaction (button click):

    <p>{{ car }}</p>
    <button @click="addProps">add props</button>

methods: {
    addProps() { = 'Kia'
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Then if I click the button the "car" would not be updated in the UI, this is the reactivity problem, Vue add a specific method to solve this problem using "$set":

methods: {
    addProps() {
        this.$set(, 'car', 'Kia' )
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This is helpful if you have only one property to add, but in many cases is necessary to add more than one property, in this case JS has a function to solve this problem by assing to the same data attribute a new assing object:

methods: {
    addProps() {
        this.$set(, 'brand', 'Kia' ) = Object.assign({},, {
            'brand': 'Kia',
            'year': '2020'
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That's all thanks for reading.

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