Top 10 VS code keyboard shortcuts to boost your productivity

Amrin - Jan 10 '22 - - Dev Community

So, you use VS code.
Are you using it properly?

If you are doing most of the tasks by clicking the mouse I think you are not using it properly.

Using a mouse doesn't seem like a time waste but, in reality, if you are using the mouse all the time you are wasting a ton of time.

To use the full potential of VS code you need to use keyboard shortcuts. Shortcuts will save you a ton of time when you code for hours. šŸ•µļø

So, Today Iā€™ll share the top ten vs code keyboard shortcuts that will boost your productivity.

letā€™s get started:

Note: if you prefer video, check it out here.

#1. Ctrl + X

With this shortcut, you can cut a line of code without selecting.

And then you can paste it anywhere with Ctrl + V.

#2. shift + Alt + Down Arrow

You can duplicate a line without selecting it.

#3. shift + up or down arrow

With this shortcut, you can select a big block of text or code.

#4. Alt + up or down arrow

With this shortcut, you can move a line-up or down without selecting.

#5. Ctrl + p

It opens up the search bar, from there you can easily open any files from your project.

#6. Ctrl + G

It opens up a search bar where you can type a line number then, youā€™ll go to that specific line.

#7. Ctrl + Shift + p

It opens up the command pallet, from there you can go to settings and many more.

#8. Ctrl + `

You can easily open up the terminal with this command.

#9. CTRL + B

With this shortcut you can easily toggle the sidebar, you wonā€™t need to close it manually.

#10. CTRL + Tab

With shortcuts, you can easily toggle between tabs.


These are the shortcuts, I use all the time.
What's your favourite VS code shortcut?
Let me know in the comment below.

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