The time had come to fix something that had been bugging me for a long time: Still making unsigned Git commits from VS Code.
TL;DR: Add "git.enableCommitSigning": true
to settings.json of VS Code* after configuring your singing key ID and upload your public GPG key to your Git server.
I am a fan of green badges. Wherever possible, I’m trying to achieve them. I love when my browser shows the little green lock for websites served over HTTPS or when my taskbar shows the little green lock for an active VPN connection. Green badges indicate confidence and security. They give me the positive feeling, that the trustworthiness of someone or something was proved and certified. In times, where the Twitter account of Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey was hacked by simply duplicating his phones SIM card, it surely would be a good idea, to verify a tweet with more than just the senders phone number and reward a secure verification with a corresponding badge. So I try to provide as many green badges as possible for visitors, users and contributors of my work.
For most of my projects I use VS Code on Windows for creating and GitHub for publishing my code. The built-in Git integration in VS Code turned out to be extremely useful and fast for frequent Git commands. And now I wanted VS Code to sign my commits without additional effort or being interrupted to switch to the terminal.
Git supports signed commits for quite a while now (January 2012) and signed tags even longer. This means, Git provides the possibility to verify that commits are actually from a trusted source using the GNU Privacy Guard (GPG). GitHub marks signed commits with a green “verified” badge.
This is how it worked for me in VS Code on Windows:
Set up GPG
First you have to install GPG, if you don’t already have it. You can verify your installation (i.e. with Windows Power Shell) like this:
$ gpg --version
gpg (GnuPG) 2.2.17
libgcrypt 1.8.4
If your system doesn't know them yet, you have to import your public and private keys (I assume you have them stored in files called public.key
and private.key
). If you don’t have a key pair, you can generate a new one. In that case, you can skip the import and directly jump to Set up Git. It's also possible to use your Keybase GPG key, if you have one (Stephen Rees-Carter wrote a nice article about it).
gpg --import public.key
gpg --import private.key
Note: when importing the private key, a GUI window appears that asks for the corresponding passphrase you set when creating your key pair.
Set up Git
Now you can tell Git your signing key ID. It’s a 16-digit alphanumeric string that can be found with gpg --list-signatures
(look for lines starting with “sig”).
git config --global user.signingkey 26A64778F76A7911
If you want, you can tell Git to sign commits per default (since Git 2.0), so you don’t always have to add the -s
flag in the command line:
git config --global commit.gpgsign true
Note, that I use the --global
flag here to apply these settings to all my local repositories. Of course you can apply these settings only to the current repository without it.
Set up GitHub
Now you have to give GitHub (or whatever Git server you’re using) your public key. You can print it with gpg --armor --export
or get-content -path public.key
(or open it with your favorite text editor) and copy it to your clipboard. Now go to GitHub, click on the top right menu, go to Settings > SSH and GPG keys > New GPG key
and paste your key — it should look like this:
...a lot of characters...
If everything worked correctly, you should see your GPG key like this:
Set up VS Code
Finally you have to tell VS Code to append the -s
flag to the git commit
command, to use signed committing now. Open the settings, search for “gpg” and check the box “Enables commit signing with GPG”.
Alternatively you can add this line to your settings.json :
"git.enableCommitSigning": true
And that’s it! Now you can commit your changes in VS Codes Git integration and sign your work.
Note that you will be prompted for the passphrase of your private key at first.
Your commits now look like this in a GitHub repository under “commits”:
This badge also appears under “releases”, if the last commit of this release was signed:
Error: secret key not available
Well, would have been too easy if it worked at first try… unfortunately I had to deal with the following weird error message, that appeared always when I tried to commit using the -s
$ git commit -am "a message" -s
gpg: skipped "26A64778F76A7911": secret key not available
gpg: signing failed: secret key not available
error: gpg failed to sign the data
fatal: failed to write commit object
After some research, I found, that I had to tell Git the path to the GPG executable (for whatever reason) using the git config pgp.program
git config --global gpg.program "C:\Program Files (x86)\gnupg\bin\gpg.exe"
Note that the path may be a different one on your system.
After this, everything worked like a charm! Feel free to leave a comment, if you are facing other issues or you’d like to make me feel guilty because you already sign your commits for years :)
Edited: 2nd July 2021 (added TL;DR paragraph)
Originally published: 18th September 2019 on Medium