One second to read GitHub code with VS Code

Camilo Martinez - Feb 9 '21 - - Dev Community

⚠️ Update: this trick is outdated due to GitHub was implemented . keyboard shortcut to open a web based editor

Exists a cool trick to visualize a repository code directly on VSCode and literally, you will only need one second.

Just add 1s between github and .com and press Enter in the browser address bar for any repository you want to read.


But don't expect too much. It does not have editing capabilities, it's just a read-only viewer.

If one second it's too much for you, I have another cool trick up my sleeve.

A bookmarklet is a bookmark stored in a web browser that contains JavaScript commands that add new features to the browser.

Drag and drop the GitHub1s to your bookmarks bar and edit his properties using these values:

Property Value
Name: GitHub1s
URL: javascript:/^github(?:1s)?\.com$/.test(location.hostname) ? location.hostname = `github${location.hostname === '' ? '1s' : ''}.com` : location.href = location.href

To use it, just click the bookmarklet when visiting a GitHub repository and it will automatically to the URL. If you click it again it will come back to the URL. In other sites reload the current URL.


Usually, the keyboard shortcut to show or hide the bookmarks bar is ctrl+shift+B (Windows/Linux) or ⌘+⇧+B (macOS).

If you found an x-rate-limit or authorization message. You reach the rate limit quota or are trying to access a private repository.

You can create and use a GitHub Access Token on Settings -> Developer settings -> Personal access tokens and clicking the Generate new token button.

⚠ Take care of the scope you select.

Click on the update Update OAuth token option.


And use the previously created token.


I think using this option on public repositories it's a good idea because the source code is public, but I do not think the same with private repositories.

⚠ Double-check your company security policies before doing that in private repositories because you would be given access to a third party.

Bonus Track:

You also can use the Remote Repositories extension to open a repository directly on VS code without cloning it.


That’s All Folks!
Happy Coding 🖖


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