Reveal the command behind an alias with ZSH

Camilo Martinez - Feb 22 '21 - - Dev Community

I love alias commands, but also aalias_forlways like to 🕵️‍♀️ spy on what is the real command behind an alias. There are a lot of ways to see it:

  • Using the alias <command> on terminal
  • Using the keyboard shortcut combination ctrl+x a (not ctrl+x+a) to expand it
  • Using the globalias plugin

But all of them need an extra step, and I found a way to see it always before the command runs.


We can use a function to search the command associated with an alias adding this script on ~/.zshrc file.

local cmd_alias=""

# Reveal Executed Alias
alias_for() {
  [[ $1 =~ '[[:punct:]]' ]] && return
  local search=${1}
  local found="$( alias $search )"
  if [[ -n $found ]]; then
    found=${found//\\//} # Replace backslash with slash
    found=${found%\'} # Remove end single quote
    found=${found#"$search="} # Remove alias name
    found=${found#"'"} # Remove first single quote
    echo "${found} ${2}" | xargs # Return found value (with parameters)
    echo ""

expand_command_line() {
  first=$(echo "$1" | awk '{print $1;}')
  rest=$(echo ${${1}/"${first}"/})

  if [[ -n "${first//-//}" ]]; then # is not hypen
    cmd_alias="$(alias_for "${first}" "${rest:1}")" # Check if there's an alias for the command
    if [[ -n $cmd_alias ]] && [[ "${cmd_alias:0:1}" != "." ]]; then # If there was and not start with dot
      echo "${T_GREEN}${T_YELLOW}${cmd_alias}${F_RESET}" # Print it

pre_validation() {
  [[ $# -eq 0 ]] && return                    # If there's no input, return. Else...
  expand_command_line "$@"

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Now we need to run this function every time the alias is entered. Happily, ZSH has a preexec function that can be associated with a hook. Just add this script after the previous on ~/.zshrc file.

autoload -U add-zsh-hook                      # Load the zsh hook module. 
add-zsh-hook preexec pre_validation           # Adds the hook 

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

I'm not planning to remove this hook, but you can do it with this command:

add-zsh-hook -d preexec pre_validation        # Remove it for this hook.

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Once finish, reopen all terminals or update his source running source ~/.zshrc command and now you can see those secret commands.



Yellow: alias
Red: command behind revealed


You can download or clone this code and other ZSH utilities from GitHub: dot Files repository.

That’s All Folks!
Happy Coding 🖖


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