Xamarin Forms - ReactiveUi ToDo List | iFour Technolab

Harshal Suthar - Sep 29 '22 - - Dev Community

What is ReactiveUi?

It is an advanced, Functional reactive MVVM and composable framework for all .Net frameworks.

ReactiveUi supports reactive programming to ease the implementation of the MVVM patterns in the application.

MVVM frame- Compared to other works, ReactiveUi is not very dictatorial.

Image description

Here, the Reactive Extensions (Rx) library is an appropriate use which, we declare callbacks and can manage asynchronous executions in the code and using the LinQ syntax, it does all these tasks.

It removes the unstructured & difficultly manageable code and makes it readable.

Generating ToDo List using ReactiveUi
For starting the project, we need to install 3 packages in the PCL project using NuGet package.

  • ReactiveUi.XamForms package
  • DynamicData package
  • Sextant.XamForms package

And we’ll have to use the 8.0 or above version of C#.

Now, we have to create four folders as Managers, Models, ViewModels, and Views and add the appropriate file as mentioned below.

HomePage -> HomeViewModel handles the Todo List as it’s the home page.

ItemPage -> ItemVewModel adds and edits the single items.

The Item model represents the Todo item.

ItemManagers handles the collection of Todo.

Code for All added files:


                public class ItemManager : IItemManager
    public ItemManager()
      ItemChanges = _itemsCache.Connect().RefCount();
    public Optional<item> Get(string id) => _itemsCache.Lookup(id);
    public IObservable<ichangeset<item, string="">> ItemChanges { get; }
    public void AddOrUpdate(Item item) => _itemsCache.AddOrUpdate(item);
    public void Remove(Item item) => _itemsCache.Remove(item);
    private SourceCache<item, string=""> _itemsCache = new SourceCache<item, string="">(item => item.Id);

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                public class Item : ReactiveObject
  public Item(string id, string title)
     Id = id;
     Title = title;
  public string Id { get; }
  public string Title { get; }
  public bool IsCompleted
    get => _isCompleted;
    set => this.RaiseAndSetIfChanged(ref _isCompleted, value);
  private bool _isCompleted;

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                public class HomeViewModel : ViewModelBase
   public HomeViewModel(IParameterViewStackService navigationService, IItemManager 
    itemManager) : base(navigationService)
     DeleteCommand = ReactiveCommand.Create<item>(itemManager.Remove);
       .Bind(out _items)
    AddCommand = ReactiveCommand.CreateFromObservable(() => 
    ViewCommand = ReactiveCommand.CreateFromObservable<item, unit="">((item) =>
      SelectedItem = null;
      return NavigationService.PushModal<itemviewmodel>(new NavigationParameter()
         { NavigationParameterConstants.ItemId , item.Id }
    this.WhenAnyValue(x => x.SelectedItem)
      .Where(x => x != null)
  public ReactiveCommand<unit, unit=""> AddCommand { get; }
  public ReactiveCommand<item, unit=""> ViewCommand { get; }
  public ReactiveCommand<item, unit=""> DeleteCommand { get; }
  public Item SelectedItem
     get => _selectedItem;
     set => this.RaiseAndSetIfChanged(ref _selectedItem, value);
  public ReadOnlyObservableCollection<item> Items => _items;
  public override string Id => "Reactive ToDo";
  private readonly ReadOnlyObservableCollection<item> _items;
  private Item _selectedItem;

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Read More: Exposure Notification Api Support For Xamarin Apps


  public class ItemViewModel:ViewModelBase
  public ItemViewModel(IParameterViewStackService navigationService, IItemManager 
   itemManager) : base(navigationService)
    _itemManager = itemManager;
var canExecute = this.WhenAnyValue(x => x.Title, (title) => 
       SaveCommand = ReactiveCommand.Create(ExecuteSave, canExecute);

   CloseCommand = ReactiveCommand.CreateFromObservable(() =>     
   this.WhenAnyValue(x => x.ItemId)
      .Where(x => x != null)
      .Select(x => _itemManager.Get(x))
      .Where(x => x.HasValue)
      .Select(x => x.Value)
      .Subscribe(x =>
           Title = x.Title;
  public override IObservable<unit> WhenNavigatingTo(INavigationParameter parameter)
     if (parameter.TryGetValue(NavigationParameterConstants.ItemId, out string itemId))
       ItemId = itemId;
     return base.WhenNavigatedTo(parameter);
  private void ExecuteSave() => _itemManager.AddOrUpdate(new Item(ItemId ??    
   Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), Title));
  public ReactiveCommand<unit, unit=""> SaveCommand { get; }
  public ReactiveCommand<unit, unit=""> CloseCommand { get; }
  public override string Id => string.Empty;
  public string Title
     get => _title;
     set => this.RaiseAndSetIfChanged(ref _title, value);
  private string ItemId
    get => _itemId;
       set => this.RaiseAndSetIfChanged(ref _itemId, value);
  private string _title;
  private string _description;
  private readonly IItemManager _itemManager;
  private string _itemId;

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  public abstract class ViewModelBase:ReactiveObject,IDisposable,INavigable
   protected ViewModelBase(IParameterViewStackService viewStackService) =>  
     NavigationService = viewStackService;
   public abstract string id { get; }
   public virtual IObservable<unit> WhenNavigatedFrom(INavigationParameter parameter) =>      
   public virtual IObservable<unit> WhenNavigatedTo(INavigationParameter parameter) =>  
   public virtual IObservable<unit> WhenNavigatingTo(INavigationParameter parameter) =>  
  protected IParameterViewStackService NavigationService { get; }
  public void Dispose()
  protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
    if (disposing)
  protected readonly CompositeDisposable Subscription = new CompositeDisposable();

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<?xml encoding="utf-8" version="1.0">
<rxui:reactivecontentpage title="ToDo List" x:class="TodoList.Views.HomePage" x:name="homePage" x:typearguments="vm:HomeViewModel" xmlns="http://xamarin.com/schemas/2014/forms" xmlns:rxui="clr-namespace:ReactiveUI.XamForms;assembly=ReactiveUI.XamForms" xmlns:vm="clr-namespace:TodoList.ViewModels" xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2009/xaml">
    <stacklayout padding="20">
        <collectionview itemssource="{Binding Items}" selecteditem="{Binding SelectedItem, Mode=TwoWay}" selectionmode="Single">
                <griditemslayout orientation="Vertical" verticalitemspacing="10" />
                    <frame style="{StaticResource CardFrameStyle}">
                            <datatrigger binding="{Binding IsCompleted}" targettype="Frame" value="True">
                                <setter property="Opacity" value="0.2" />
                        <stacklayout orientation="Horizontal">
                            <checkbox ischecked="{Binding IsCompleted}" />

                            <label text="" verticaloptions="EndAndExpand">
                                    <tapgesturerecognizer command="{Binding 
                                       Source={x:Reference homePage},               
                                       Path=BindingContext.DeleteCommand}" commandparameter="{Binding}" />
                        </stacklayout><label fontattributes="Bold" horizontaloptions="FillAndExpand" text="{Binding Title}" verticaloptions="Center">
                    </label></frame><label fontattributes="Bold" horizontaloptions="FillAndExpand" text="{Binding Title}" verticaloptions="Center">
                </label></datatemplate><label fontattributes="Bold" horizontaloptions="FillAndExpand" text="{Binding Title}" verticaloptions="Center">
            </label></collectionview.itemtemplate><label fontattributes="Bold" horizontaloptions="FillAndExpand" text="{Binding Title}" verticaloptions="Center">
        </label></collectionview><label fontattributes="Bold" horizontaloptions="FillAndExpand" text="{Binding Title}" verticaloptions="Center"><button command="{Binding AddCommand}" style="{StaticResource CircularButtonStyle}" text="+"></button></label></stacklayout><label fontattributes="Bold" horizontaloptions="FillAndExpand" text="{Binding Title}" verticaloptions="Center">
</label></rxui:reactivecontentpage><label fontattributes="Bold" horizontaloptions="FillAndExpand" text="{Binding Title}" verticaloptions="Center">
</label></?xml></xmp><label fontattributes="Bold" horizontaloptions="FillAndExpand" text="{Binding Title}" verticaloptions="Center">

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<label fontattributes="Bold" horizontaloptions="FillAndExpand" text="{Binding Title}" verticaloptions="Center">
<xmp><?xml encoding="utf-8" version="1.0">
<?xml encoding="utf-8" version="1.0">
<rxui:reactivecontentpage x:class="TodoList.Views.ItemPage" x:typearguments="vm:ItemViewModel" xmlns="http://xamarin.com/schemas/2014/forms" xmlns:rxui="clr-namespace:ReactiveUI.XamForms;assembly=ReactiveUI.XamForms" xmlns:vm="clr-namespace:TodoList.ViewModels" xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2009/xaml">
        <toolbaritem command="{Binding CloseCommand}" text="Close" />
        <label fontsize="Title" horizontaloptions="Center" padding="20" text="Item">
        <frame margin="10" style="{StaticResource CardFrameStyle}" verticaloptions="Start">
            <stacklayout horizontaloptions="FillAndExpand">
                <entry placeholder="Title" text="{Binding Title}" /><button command="{Binding SaveCommand}" style="{StaticResource MainButtonStyle}" text="Save"></button></stacklayout>
    </label></stacklayout><label fontsize="Title" horizontaloptions="Center" padding="20" text="Item">
</label></rxui:reactivecontentpage><label fontsize="Title" horizontaloptions="Center" padding="20" text="Item">
</label></?xml></?xml></xmp><label fontsize="Title" horizontaloptions="Center" padding="20" text="Item">

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  <label fontattributes="Bold" horizontaloptions="FillAndExpand" text="{Binding Title}" verticaloptions="Center"><label fontsize="Title" horizontaloptions="Center" padding="20" text="Item">
    <xml><!--?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"--><!--?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"-->
    <!--?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?-->
    <application x:class="TodoList.App" xmlns="http://xamarin.com/schemas/2014/forms" xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2009/xaml">
            <resourcedictionary><style targettype="Frame" type="text/css" x:key="CardFrameStyle"><Setter Property="HasShadow" Value="False" />
                    <Setter Property="BorderColor"  Value="Black" />
                    <Setter Property="Padding" Value="10" /></style><style targettype="Button" type="text/css" x:key="MainButtonStyle"><Setter Property="TextColor" Value="White" />
                    <Setter Property="BackgroundColor"  Value="Black" />
                    <Setter Property="HorizontalOptions" Value="FillAndExpand" /></style><style targettype="Button" type="text/css" x:key="CircularButtonStyle"><Setter Property="TextColor" Value="White" />
                    <Setter Property="BackgroundColor"  Value="Black" />
                    <Setter Property="HorizontalOptions" Value="Center" />
                    <Setter Property="CornerRadius" Value="40" />
                    <Setter Property="WidthRequest" Value="80" />
                    <Setter Property="HeightRequest" Value="80" />
                    <Setter Property="FontSize" Value="50" /></style>

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  <label fontattributes="Bold" horizontaloptions="FillAndExpand" text="{Binding Title}" verticaloptions="Center"><label fontsize="Title" horizontaloptions="Center" padding="20" text="Item">
    public partial class App : Application
            public App()
                RxApp.DefaultExceptionHandler = new RxExceptionHandler();
                   .RegisterConstant<iitemmanager><!--?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"--><!--?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"-->(new ItemManager());
                   .RegisterNavigationView(() => new NavigationView(RxApp.MainThreadScheduler, 
                      RxApp.TaskpoolScheduler, ViewLocator.Current))
                   .RegisterView<homepage, homeviewmodel="">()
                   .RegisterView<itempage, itemviewmodel="">()
                   .RegisterViewModel(() => new  
                   .RegisterViewModel(() => new 
                    .PushPage<homeviewmodel>(null, true, false)
                MainPage = Locator.Current.GetNavigationView("NavigationView");

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  <label fontattributes="Bold" horizontaloptions="FillAndExpand" text="{Binding Title}" verticaloptions="Center"><label fontsize="Title" horizontaloptions="Center" padding="20" text="Item">
    public class NavigationParameterConstants
        public const string ItemId = "ItemId";

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  <label fontattributes="Bold" horizontaloptions="FillAndExpand" text="{Binding Title}" verticaloptions="Center"><label fontsize="Title" horizontaloptions="Center" padding="20" text="Item">
    public class RxExceptionHandler : IObserver<exception><!--?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"--><!--?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"-->
            public void OnNext(Exception ex)
                if (Debugger.IsAttached)
                RxApp.MainThreadScheduler.Schedule(() => { throw ex; });
            public void OnError(Exception ex)
                if (Debugger.IsAttached)
                RxApp.MainThreadScheduler.Schedule(() => { throw ex; });
            public void OnCompleted()
                if (Debugger.IsAttached)
                RxApp.MainThreadScheduler.Schedule(() => { throw new NotImplementedException(); });

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Image description

Add Item

Image description

List after deleting item


Using ReactiveUi, we get the power to make reactive, testable, and composable Ui as we use the MVVM pattern. The Todo list is used to manage our day-to-day timetable to be followed. And using this, we can also make some applications that give responses quickly and in an understandable way.

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