Deploy NodeJS application on AWS ECS (EC2 Launch Type)

Arunodhayam - Oct 6 '22 - - Dev Community

In this post, we will build the docker image for a nodejs application and deploy it onto AWS ECS (EC2 Launch type)


#1: Create a simple Node app

  • Create a directory and navigate to it
mkdir node-app
cd node-app
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  • Initialize packages
npm init --y
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npm install express
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  • Enter this block of code into an index.js file
const express = require('express');
const app = express();
app.get('/', (req,res) => {
    res.send("This is ECS deployment")
app.listen(8080,() => {
    console.log("Server started")
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  • Issue the below command to run the application locally
node index.js
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#2: Dockerize Node app

  • Next, we create a Dockerfile in the project root to build an image out of
# Use a Node runtime as a parent image
FROM node: alpine
# Set the working directory to /app
# Copy package.json and package-lock.json to the working directory
COPY package*.json ./
# Install any needed packages specified in package.json
RUN npm install
# Copying the rest of the code to the working directory
COPY . .
# Make port 8080 for the application port
# Run index.js for application expose for the container
CMD [ "node", "index.js"]
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#3: Build and Push the docker image to AWS ECR

  • Navigate to ECR service in your AWS Console

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  • Click on Create repository in top right corner to create the repo

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  • Create either a private or public repo based on your need

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  • Once the repository is created, click view push commands from inside to push the image

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  • You can from the instructions, infer the commands to log in to AWS ECR, build the image, tag the build, and push the tagged image to AWS ECR.

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  • Finally, your pushed image should look like this

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#4: Create the ECS Cluster

  • Click on Clusters from the ECS console sidebar

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  • Choose EC2 Linux + Networking as the cluster template

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  • Input the instance and networking configuration

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  • The cluster then is created and cloudformation by default takes care of launching the rest of the resources

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#5: Create a Task Definition

Task Definitions in ECS sort of acts as a blueprint of how an application should be deployed

  • Click on Task Definitions right under Clusters from the ECS console sidebar and click on Create new Task Definition.

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  • Select EC2 as the launch type

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  • Assign the Name, Task role, and Network mode of the container

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  • vCPU and Memory count is optional, as we have opted for the EC2 launch type. Click Add container once filled.

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  • Now, time to configure the container: Container name, Image; copy the AWS ecr image URI, specify the Memory limit - 300MB and above, and set Port mapping to the given application port

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  • Now your task definition is ready to be used in tandem with the Service definition

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#6: Create Service

  • Navigate to the Cluster tab, scope in on the service tab, and click Create

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  • Configure the service with launch type EC2, choose the Task definition we have created, and Service type as Replica.

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  • Configure the VPC within which the ECS service should go. We are selecting None on Load balancing and Service discovery, as we aren't aiming for a larger scale.

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  • Configure auto-scaling if need be

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Do a quick review glance once all the configuration is done

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  • Clicking the services tab will give you info on running containers and their configurations

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  • Navigate to the Tasks tab and you'll find the task

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  • Here you can view the details of the task

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  • Click the drop-down next to the container name to reveal the External Link

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And there we have it

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The NodeJS application is successfully deployed on AWS ECS.

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