How to Deploy a TimeVault Application on Cloud Run with Cloud Build on GCP

Rajeshwar R - May 23 '23 - - Dev Community


A deadman's switch to encrypt your vulnerability reports or other compromising data to be decryptable at a set time in the future. Uses tlock-js and is powered by drand. Messages encrypted with timevault are also compatible with the go tlock library.

Cloud Run is a managed compute platform that lets you run containers directly on top of Google's scalable infrastructure. You can deploy code written in any programming language on Cloud Run if you can build a container image from it. In fact, building container images is optional.

Structure of Timevault

Step 1:

Create a repository as in GCP Cloud Source Repositories name timevault-cloudrun. And clone the repository to your local.

Step 2:
Clone the timevault repository

 git clone
 cd  timevault
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Step 3:

Mirror the Github (timevault) repository to GCP cloud source repository

Go the GCP cloud source repository service and click Add repository and click connect external repository next click continue

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Select your project ID and Select Github in Git provider, next choose your needed repository and click connect selected repository

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Finally, Your Github repository will connect to your GCP cloud source repository

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Step 4:
Using this Multi-stage Dockerfile we can able to deploy it on Cloudrun

FROM node:18-alpine AS build


COPY package*.json ./
COPY ./src ./src

RUN npm i
RUN npm run build

FROM nginx:stable-alpine

COPY --from=build /app/dist/ /usr/share/nginx/html/
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Step 5:
Write the cloudbuild.yaml to deploy it on Cloudrun. Here the cloudbuild.yaml file

 # Build the container image
 - name: ''
   args: ['build', '-t', '$_PROJECT_ID/$_IMAGE_NAME:$COMMIT_SHA', '.']
 # Push the container image to Container Registry
 - name: ''
   args: ['push', '$_PROJECT_ID/$_IMAGE_NAME:$COMMIT_SHA']
 # Deploy container image to Cloud Run
 - name: ''
   entrypoint: gcloud
   - 'run'
   - 'deploy'
   - '$_IMAGE_NAME'
   - '--platform=managed'
   - '--image'
   - '--region'
   - '$_REGION'
   - '--allow-unauthenticated'
   - '--port'
   - '80'  

   _IMAGE_NAME: timevault
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  • YOUR_REGION is the region of the Cloud Run service you are deploying.
  • YOUR_PROJECT_ID is your Google Cloud project ID where your image is stored.

Step 6:

Go to Cloud Build and create a trigger.

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Step 7:

Trigger the Cloud Build. By below steps:
Cloud Build --> Triggers --> click RUN --> click RUN TRIGGER

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Deployed on Cloud Run. Copy the Cloud Run URL and expose it on web browser

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Adding custom domain in Cloud run

When you deploy a service to Cloud run, you are provided with a default domain to access the service. However, you can use your own domain or subdomain instead of default one.

Step 1:
Go to Cloud run service, Click MANAGE CUSTOM DOMAINS

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Step 2:

Go to the domain mapping, Click ADD MAPPING

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Step 3:

In the add mapping form, select the service which you map to and select the verify the new domain, next enter your domain. As shown in the below. Click the CONTINUE

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It will take some time to verify your domain, Click REFRESH to check verification is done.

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After the verification is done, enter the subdomain to map to the service you have selected, then click CONTINUE

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You will get the DNS record for your custom domain that maps to your Cloud run service. You need to add this DNS record to your domain provider

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Finally, when you add the DNS record successfully, you can use your custom domain to access your deployed Cloud run service.

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