MicroBin on Fly.io

Manjula Rajamani - May 17 '23 - - Dev Community

MicroBin is a tiny, feature rich, configurable, self-contained, and self-hosted paste bin web application. It is elementary to set up and use, and will only require a few megabytes of memory and disk storage.

Fly.io is a platform for running full-stack applications and databases close to the users without any DevOps. You can deploy your apps to Fly.io (it's about the simplest place to deploy a Docker Image) and use our CLI to launch instances in regions that are most important for their application.

Structure of MicroBin

Step 1:
Clone your repository

git clone https://github.com/manjularajamani/microbin.git
cd microbin/
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Step 2:
Using Dockerfile(or pre-built Docker images)we can able to deploy the application on the fly.io app server

FROM rust:latest as build


COPY . .

  DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive \
  apt-get update &&\
  apt-get -y install ca-certificates tzdata &&\
  cargo build --release

# https://hub.docker.com/r/bitnami/minideb
FROM bitnami/minideb:latest

# microbin will be in /app

# copy time zone info
COPY --from=build \
  /usr/share/zoneinfo \

COPY --from=build \
  /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt \

# copy built executable
COPY --from=build \
  /app/target/release/microbin \

# Expose webport used for the webserver to the docker runtime

ENTRYPOINT ["microbin"]
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Or fetch Docker image from DockerHub: danielszabo99/microbin:latest

Step 3:

Install flyctl:
flyctl is a command line interface to the Fly.io platform.It allows users to manage authentication, application launch, deployment, network configuration, logging and more with just the one command.Install Flyctl CLI

Sign In:
If you already have a Fly.io account, all you need to do is sign in with flyctl

fly auth login
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Your browser will open up with the Fly.io sign-in screen, enter your user name and password to sign in.

Step 4:
To deploy app into fly.io we need a fly.toml file

app = "microbin"
primary_region = "ams"
kill_signal = "SIGINT"
kill_timeout = "5s"

  entrypoint = ["microbin", "--highlightsyntax", "--private", "--qr", "--editable", "--enable-burn-after"]

  image = "danielszabo99/microbin:latest"

  source = "microbin_data"
  destination = "/app/pasta_data"

  internal_port = 8080
  force_https = true
  auto_stop_machines = true
  auto_start_machines = true
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I've added only a few things that are enough for micro microbin

  • kill_signal:
    The kill_signal option allows you to change what signal is sent so that you can trigger a softer, less disruptive shutdown.

  • kill_timeout:
    When shutting down a Fly app instance, by default, after sending a signal, Fly gives an app instance five seconds to close down before being killed.

  • experimental:
    This section is for flags and feature settings which have yet to be promoted into the main configuration.

  • build:
    The image builder is used when you want to immediately deploy an existing public image

  • mounts:
    This section supports the Volumes feature for persistent storage

  • auto_stop_machines:
    Whether to automatically stop an application's machines when there's excess capacity, per region.

  • auto_start_machines:
    Whether to automatically start an application's machines when a new request is made to the application and there's no excess capacity, per region.

Step 5:

Launch an App on Fly:
Fly.io enables you to deploy almost any kind of app using a Docker image.

flyctl launch 
flyctl launch --image danielszabo99/microbin:latest
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If you need to edit fly.toml and redeploy use the below command

flyctl deploy
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Check Your App's Status:
The application has been deployed with a DNS hostname of microbin.fly.dev. Your deployment's name will, of course, be different. fly status give us basic details

flyctl status
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Step 6:
The DESTROY command will remove an application from the Fly platform.

flyctl destroy <APPNAME>

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Adding Custom Domains
Fly offers a simple command-line process for the manual configuration of custom domains and for people integrating Fly custom domains into their automated workflows.

Step 1:
Run flyctl ips list to see your app's addresses

flyctl ips list
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Create an A record pointing to your v4 address, and an AAAA record pointing to your v6 address on your respective DNS.

Step 2:
You can add the custom domain to the application's certificates.

flyctl certs create <domain.name>
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Step 3:
You can check on the progress by running the below command

flyctl certs show <domain.name>
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Once the certificate is issued you can access your application to your Domain

Step 4:
To remove the hostname from the application, drop the certificates in the process.

flyctl certs delete <domain.name> 
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