A very simple GraphQL tutorial in Ruby

Leandro Proença - Mar 3 '22 - - Dev Community

According to Wikipedia

GraphQL is an open-source data query and manipulation language for APIs, and a runtime for fulfilling queries with existing data.[2] GraphQL was developed internally by Facebook in 2012 before being publicly released in 2015

Unlike REST, GraphQL aims to allow query manipulation from the client-side, thus leveraging on client which data they want to fetch/update.

REST or GraphQL?

Actually, using REST it's also possible to manipulate queries, but the client must send the desired parameters in the query string and the server must have its own implementation for each endpoint.

There's no silver bullet, and the choice for either REST or GraphQL will depend on the application business domain. It's likely that some will find fit for using both in the application.

How GraphQL works

Pretty much like REST, GraphQL runs over HTTP. A very simple GraphQL request/response could be:

POST /graphql

    "query": "query { hello }"
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    "data": {
        "hello": "Hello World!"
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But what's the query { hello } value in the request? Is it a valid JSON value?

Yes, it is. But the value query { hello } must be parsed in the server-side into something readable, and performed against an existing data schema.

Such data schema is a component of GraphQL, called GraphQL schema. All we need is a GraphQL schema definition, along with its type definitions and other specific functional components.

How to use GraphQL in a Ruby application?

Introducing graphql-ruby

graphql-ruby is a Ruby gem that implements the GraphQL specification and functionalities.

It basically parses the request query, performs the query against the definition schema and returns the result in JSON format.

A simple Rack application

Let's omit the "Rack" functionality and focus only on the business. The action method could be implemented as follows:

require 'rack'
require 'graphql'

class RackApp
  def call(env)
    request = Rack::Request.new(env)

    if request.request_method == 'POST' && 
                                  request.path == '/graphql'
      params         = request.params
      query          = params[:query]
      variables      = params[:variables]
      operation_name = params[:operationName]

      result = AppSchema.execute(query,
                                 variables: variables,
                                 context: {},
                                 operation_name: operation_name)

      { 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' },[result.to_json]]
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The server receives the query, variables and operationName and perform them against the AppSchema.

Let's see the AppSchema definition:

class AppSchema < GraphQL::Schema
  mutation MutationType
  query QueryType
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Our very simple schema only defines the mutation and query types.

GraphQL Query/Mutation

Query is an object used to perform queries, which means, when we want to read/fetch data only.

Mutation is an object used to perform insert/update actions, which will "mutate" the data in our schema definition.

The QueryType and MutationType objects could be implemented in such a way:

class QueryType < GraphQL::Schema::Object
  field :hello, String

  def hello
    "Hello World Query!"
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And the mutation type:

class MutationType < GraphQL::Schema::Object
  field :hello, String

  def hello
    "Hello World Mutation!"
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Putting all together

Now, time to perform the HTTP request query:

POST /graphql

{ "query": "query { hello }" }
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    "data": {
        "hello": "Hello World Query!"
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And the HTTP request mutation:

POST /graphql

{ "query": "mutation { hello }" }
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    "data": {
        "hello": "Hello World Mutation!"
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Wrapping Up

This post was a simple tutorial on GraphQL using Ruby, trying to simplify the fundamentals by implementing a very basic GraphQL schema definition.

All the code written in this tutorial is hosted in my Github account.

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