My first #30DayMapChallenge

Raymond Lay - Dec 28 '22 - - Dev Community

2022 year is the first time I tried #30DayMapChallenge, a daily map making challenge which is held on Social Network every year in november.
I get known about it after the end of 2021 challenge and as a map lover, I did my best to not miss 2022 one.

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30+6 maps completed

Map making has been started once topics were published few weeks before, knowing doing maps the same day for one month is so hard with work and family matters.

As a first step, most of output has been done as simple and/or in a very short time according to a famous sentence "Done is better than perfect", and some of topics has been selected to take more time on.

30 maps has been done in early november, so remaining time has been used to improve it, and make additional stuffs for MIERUNE (a GIS solution company in Japan) who also did the challenge as a team.

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Below is a summary of made maps with used tools

Day Topic Output Tool
1 Points A Webmap with my posts on Facebook Maptiler / Maplibre
2 Lines Mt-Fuji contour lines QGIS + ElevationTile4JP Plugin
3 Polygons An upside down border between Belgium and Netherlands QGIS
4 Colour Friday: Green Greenland QGIS
5 Ukraine An ukrainian color globe map QGIS + Globe Builder plugin
6 Network Tokyo railway network comes to Paris QGIS / Maptiler
7 Raster Spatiomap of Mongolia QGIS / Maptiler
8 Data: OpenStreetMap Mashiko living town map with IGN French style QGIS + ElevationTile4JP Plugin
9 Space Patagonia Star Map Photoshop & Your sky
10 A bad map Mercator & Default Color QGIS
11 Colour Friday: Red Japan cities with「赤」Red Kanji QGIS
12 Scale Europa and Middle East cities longitudely translated to Japan QGIS / Maptiler
13 5 minute map Tokyo Marathon with 5 minutes checkpoint QGIS / Maptiler
14 Hexagons France, as known as L'Hexagone Photoshop
15 Food/drink The egg projection Egg and Marker
16 Minimal The minimal sized country QGIS
17 A map without a computer A clay of Antarctica Clay
18 Colour Friday: Blue Japan cities with「青」Blue Kanji QGIS
19 Globe A craft and paint made Globe Watercolor
20 “My favourite…” A lovely south pole QGIS
21 Data: Kontur Population Dataset Around Korea DMZ QGIS
22 NULL A globe clay waiting for data Clay
23 Movement Bus traffic around Mt. Fuji QGIS + GTFS-GO plugin / Maptiler
24 Fantasy Final Fantasy I~X worlds, 10 in 1 Photoshop
25 Colour Friday: 2 colours Japan cities with「緑」green and 「紫」purple kanji QGIS
26 Island(s) Lovely Amami island QGIS + ElevationTile4JP Plugin
27 Music Where Songs I listened to come from? QGIS
28 3D One month of the run and trekking Strava / QGIS + ElevationTile4JP + Qgis2threejs Plugin
29 “Out of my comfort zone” Girondins de Bordeaux football teams opponents Maptiler / Maplibre
30 Remix A Webmap with my posts on Facebook, in Globe version Mapbox

Additional Maps for MIERUNE

Day Topic Output Tool
5 Ukraine Hokkaido map in Ukrainian Maptiler
12 Scale Paris region railway network come to Tokyo QGIS / Maptiler
13 5 minute map A 5 minutes run with a 5 shape Strava / QGIS / Maptiler
22 NULL Hokkaido clay waiting for data Clay
29 “Out of my comfort zone” A Japan map made with business cards Business cards
30 Remix Greater Tokyo Railway Network come to Greater Paris QGIS / Maptiler

Making maps with open tools

Regarding above summary, all maps has been made using open tools except Photoshop. Geographic tools are fully Open source.

Tool Output count Type
Maptiler 11 Basemap Style
Maplibre 2 Webmapping
Mapbox 1 Webmapping
Photoshop 3 non-GIS use
Yoursky 1 Sky map
Strava 3 Running app
Clay 3 Non-digital use
Egg 1 Non-digital use
Watercolour 1 Non-digital use
Business card 1 Non-digital use

 * Total is over than 36 due to the use of multi-tools for some maps

A great opportunity to do unusual maps

Making maps is usually for work or customer needs, but this challenge makes me try to map random thoughts, such as where is Japan latitude equivalent in Europe, or How Tokyo is big comparing to Paris

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A great opportunity to try new tools

Challenge was a chance to try new tools I never had any opportunity to try before.
Below is a list of what I learned during this month:

  • Mapping in 3D with QGIS (with Qgis2threejs plugin)
  • Mapping a Globe with QGIS (with Globe builder plugin)
  • Making a globe Webmap
  • Getting Japan elevation data easily (with ElevationTile4JP)
  • Making a starmap
  • Making a map and a globe with clay
  • Mapping with cards

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More than 8000 maps has been released in one month.
Time was so short I could not take time to appreciate each map, and also nights became so short, but I think I never enjoy so much to make maps in ne month !
Looking forward for next year challenge !

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