Retrieve satellite earth observation images easily with QGIS JAXA Earth API Plugin

Raymond Lay - Jun 26 - - Dev Community


Climate is changing rapidly, and these changes must be monitored continuously, especially with satellite observations.

The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) publishes Earth observation images, such as temperature, precipitation amount, vegetation, etc., which can be retrieved using the JAXA Earth API.

This post describes how to retrieve georeferenced observation images using the JAXA Earth API plugin for QGIS.

JAXA Earth API plugin overview

JAXA Earth API overview

JAXA Earth API is a satellite data distribution service, written in Python and javascript.
Description and available dataset are detailed in the official website :

Observation images can be retrieved easily, but it would be better to overlay onto a basemap, that is why the use of a Geographic Information System (GIS) such as QGIS may be useful.

The use of QGIS JAXA Earth API Plugin

QGIS is an Opensource GIS software, and we can gather and analyse geographic data easily.
QGIS is also customizable using python scripts or adding plugins on.
Here is a procedure to install QGIS JAXA Earth API Plugin and retrieve satellite data.

1. On QGIS and add OpenStreetMap basemap

  • Open QGIS

Basemap should be used as background to show map context.
It can be added on QGIS as XYZ tile.

  • On browser, right click on XYZ tiles
  • New connection…
  • Put a name to this connection and input{z}/{x}/{y}.png link as URL
  • OK

OSM basemap layer

OpenStreetMap should be displayed on map canvas.

2. Install JAXA Earth API Plugin

  • Menu -> Plugins -> Manage plugins...

Plugin menu

  • On plugin manager, search for JAXA and install Install JAXA earth API Plugin

Once plugin installed, JAXA Earth API icon should appear on tool bar

  • By clicking on plugin icon, plugin dialog should appear

Plugin open

3. Plugin use example

  • 1. Choose target dataset (here precipitation rate monthly)
  • 2. Choose target period
  • 3. Choose target map extent
    • By clicking on Map Canvas Extent button, map current is set
    • Custom extent can also be set by clicking on Draw on Canvas button
  • 4. Push Launch button to load data

Plugin setting

Dataset is loaded as one layer per month!


At last

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